中文名: 拉迪斯洛夫.史塔威奇動畫集英文名: Ladislaw Starewicz 資源格式: DVDRip版本: 1911-1965俄羅斯木偶大師發行時間: 1911年導演: Ladislaw Starewicz地區: 俄羅斯語言: 俄語簡介:

Ladislaw Starewicz 是俄羅斯最早的木偶大師,他開始生產是在1909年至1910年,在莫斯科短紀錄片。十月革命以後,來到了法國。
Wladyslaw Starewicz' childhood passion for entomology led his career: he began producing short documentaries in Moscow around 1909-1910, beginning with a documentary about insects in Lithuania. In his spare time, he experimented with stop-action films using beetles, which he articulated by wiring the legs to the thorax with sealing wax! This, of course, led to his big breakthrough, released by the Van Kanjonkov Studio of Moscow: The Battle of the Stag Beetles , the first puppet-animated film.
[Note: Emile Cohl previously used stop-motion animation to make a public service announcement film, The Animated Matches, in 1908... Starewicz was the first to do anything more advanced (i.e., using puppets, telling a story) with the technique.]
Starewicz' popularity grew quickly... his third film, The Ant The Grasshopper , earned him an honor from the Tsar himself. At that time Starewicz also played some comedic roles in polish dramas, decorated some churches (!), and people say he always drew attention to himself at the ball by wearing the most wonderful costumes. He produced dozens of works during this period, including Insects Aviation Week (1912), Four Devils (1913) and Voyage To the Moon (1913).
The Russian Revolution caused Wladyslaw to emigrate. He fled to Paris, France, arriving in 1920, where he became known as Ladislas Starevich. He settled in a villa in Fontenay-sous-Bois, where he spent the rest of his life producing surreal, lyrical animation. With great patience and attention to detail, he wrote or adapted the stories; designed and built the puppets, sets and costumes; articulated every movement; and shot each film frame-by-frame, often without continuity notes. After 1924, his daughter, Irene (aka Nina Starr), assisted with and appeared in many of his films. Fiercely independent, Starewicz rejected lucrative offers from American animation studios, rather than relinquish creative control.
At his villa home, he was known for his generosity and hospitality, especially to his fellow refugees from the Soviet Union.
Although The Mascot is his best known film in America, his best film is probably The Tale of the Fox (Le Roman de Renard, a film which took over ten years to make, and is considered to be one of the very best stop-motion films ever made. At his death in 1965, he left one unfinished work: Like Dog and Cat .
Despite his influence on many of today's animators, which is seen in such films as Henry Selick's James the Giant Peach, Starewicz is under-recognized today because many of his films were considered lost, and those which exist are rarely screened. However, the British Film Institute has been locating and restoring early prints, and several video compilations have reached the home market.
Dirigidos en Polonia.
NAD NIEMNEM, - Beyond the River Niemen. 1909
ZYCIE WAZEK, - The Life of the Dragonfly. 1909
ZUKI, - The Beetles. 1909
WALKA ZUKOW. 1910 - The Battle of the Stag Beetles.
PIEKNA LUKANIDA. 1910 - The Beautiful Lukanida - First puppet animation film.
Dirigidos en Rusia.
MIEST KINOOPERATORA. 1911 - The Cameraman’s Revenge.
ROZHDYESTVO OBITATELI LYESA. 1911 - The Insects' Christmas.
STREKOZAI I MOURAVIEI. 1911 - The Ant and the Grasshopper.
STRACHNAIA MYEST. 1912 - The Terrible Vengeance.
NOCH' PERED ROZHDESTVOM. 1912 - The Night before Christmas.
VESELYE STSENKI IZ ZHIZNI ZHIVOTNYKH. 1912 - Amusing Scenes from the Life of Insects.
PUTESHESTVIE NA LUNU. 1912 - A Journey to the Moon.
RUSLAN I LUDMILLA. 1913, - Ruslan and Ludmilla.
SNEGUROCHKA. 1914 - The Snow Maiden.
PASYNOK MARSA. 1914 - Mars’s Stepson.
KAYSER-GOGIEL-MOGIEL. 1914 - Gogel-Mogel General.
TROIKA. 1914 - Troika.
FLEURS FANEES. 1914 - Faded Flowers.
LE CHANT DU BAGNARD. 1915 - The Convict's Song.
PORTRET. 1915 - (may be produced by the Skobeliew committee) - The Portrait.
LILIYA BEL'GII. 1915 - The Lily of Belgium.
ETO TYEBYE PRINADLEZIT. 1915 - It’s Fine for You.
EROS I PSYCHE. 1915 - Eros and Psyche.
DVYE VSTRYECHI. 1916 - Two Meetings.
LE FAUNE EN LAISSE. 1916 - The Chained Faun.
O CHOM CHOUMIELO MORIE. 1916 - The Murmuring Sea.
TAMAN. 1916 - Taman.
NA VARSAVSKOM TRAKTYE. 1916 - On The Warsaw Highway.
PAN TWARDOWSKI. 1917 - Mister Twardowski.
SASHKA-NAEZDNIK. 1917 - Sashka the Horseman.
K NARODNOI VLASTI. 1917 - Towards People’s Power.
KALIOSTRO. 1918. - Cagliostro.
YOLA. 1918. - Iola.
WIJ. 1918. - Vij.
SOROTCHINSKAIA YARMAKA. 1918 - The Sorotchninsk Fair.
MAISKAYA NOCH. 1918. - May Night.
STELLA MARIS. 1918. - Starfish.
Dirigidos en Francia.
DANS LES GRIFFES DE L'ARAIGNEE. 1920 - In the Claws of the Spider.
LE MARIAGE DE BABYLAS. 1921 - Babylas’s Marriage.
L'EPOUVANTAIL. 1921 - The Scarecrow.
LA VOIX DU ROSSIGNOL. 1923 - The Voice of the Nightingale.
AMOUR NOIR ET BLANC. 1923 - Love in Black and White.
LA PETITE CHANTEUSE DES RUES. 1924 - The Little Street Singer.
LES YEUX DU DRAGON. 1925 - The Eyes of the Dragon.
LE RAT DE VILLE ET LE RAT DES CHAMPS. - 1926 The Town Rat and the Country Rat.
LA CIGALE ET LA FOURMI. 1927 - The Ant and the Grasshopper.
LA REINE DES PAPILLONS. 1927 - The Queen of the Butterflies.
L'HORLOGE MAGIQUE. 1928 - The Magic Clock.
LA PETITE PARADE. 1928 - The Little Parade.
LE ROMAN DE RENARD. 1929-1930 - The Tale of the Fox.
LE LION ET LE MOUCHERON. 1932 - The Lion and the Fly.
LE LION DEVENU VIEUX. 1932 - The Old Lion.
FETICHE MASCOTTE. 1933 - The Mascot.
FETICHE SE MARIE. 1935 - The Mascot’s Marriage.
FETICHE EN VOYAGE DE NOCES. 1936 - The Navigator.
FETICHE CHEZ LES SIRENES. 1937 - The Mascot and the Mermaids.
ZANZABELLE A PARIS. 1947 - Zanzabelle in Paris.
FLEUR DE FOUGERE. 1949 - Fern Flowers.
GAZOUILLY PETIT OISEAU. 1953 - Little Bird Gazouilly.
GUEULE DE BOIS. 1954 - Hangover.
UN DIMANCHE DE GAZOUILLY. 1955 - Gazouilly’s Sunday Picnic.
NEZ AU VENT. 1956 - Nose to the Wind.
CARROUSEL BOREAL. 1958 - Winter Carousel.
COMME CHIEN ET CHAT. 1965 - Like Dog and Cat.