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《喬安娜 奎因動畫作品》(Joanna Quinn)英國動畫師[DVDRip]






《喬安娜 奎因動畫作品》(Joanna Quinn)英國動畫師[DVDRip] 簡介: 中文名 : 喬安娜 奎因動畫作品 英文名 : Joanna Quinn 資源格式 : DVDRip 版本 : 英國動畫師 發行時間 : 1987年 導演 :  Joanna Quinn 地區 :

"《喬安娜 奎因動畫作品》(Joanna Quinn)英國動畫師[DVDRip]"Anime介紹:
中文名: 喬安娜 奎因動畫作品 英文名: Joanna Quinn 資源格式: DVDRip 版本: 英國動畫師 發行時間: 1987年 導演:  Joanna Quinn 地區:  英國 語言:  英語 簡介

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喬安娜奎因是英國 電影導演和動畫制作 。 她出生在伯明翰 。 她被提名為著名 奧斯卡獎於1998年。畢業於米德爾塞克斯理工學院。 她的第一部動畫 女孩夜出 在1987年完工,並奪得安錫電影節 3個獎項。2006年的電影“夢想和欲望,家庭關系”,贏得了14個國際,其中包括2006年的卡通金棕榈獎



Her first animated film was "Girls' Night Out." I found it to be an outrageously funny Toon - a view no doubt shared by the judges who presented Joanna with three awards for it at the Annecy Animation Festival. In 1990, utilizing the same strong, stereotypical, Northern characters, Quinn produced another highly amusing work. It was called "Body Beautiful" and I smile just thinking about those girls howling with delight when they see their overweight mate's great, big, beautiful bulk prancing about on stage at a beauty contest. I can even remember the little ditty she sang while she was doing it.

"Girls' Night Out" was followed by another film - "Britannia" - which was a satire of Britain's imperial history. I read somewhere that it won some awards and was an Oscar nominee one year.

Another of Quinn's works, entitled "Famous Fred," is a 30-minute children's animation about a rock star cat, based on a book by Posy Simmonds. It was awarded Best TV Program at the 1997 Annecy International Animated Film Festival and it also received an Academy Award nomination.

Those who are familiar with Quinn's unique artistic style would have noticed that she has been working on commercials (remember that toilet paper?!) She's also been doing title sequences and book illustrations.

Joanna Quinn's work stands alone in the history of British women's animation. Her style is original, quirky, exaggerated and cheeky and has no doubt inspired a fair few up-and-coming Toonists.

FILMOGRAPHY, 1983-2001.

1986 - Girls' Night Out.
1990 - Body Beautiful.
1993 - Britannia.
1996 - Famous Fred.
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