《變形金剛美版G1第四季 新生》(Transformers The Rebirth)[DVDRip] 簡介: 簡介 : [文件格式]XviD + AC3 [視頻尺寸]640 x 480 2004年是美國原版《變形金剛》誕生20周年,國內金剛迷翹首以盼經典重回,尤其是七、八十年代出生的一代人,如今在那深深的心地
[文件格式]XviD + AC3
[視頻尺寸]640 x 480
廣東千鶴影視傳播有限公司近期將隆重推出98集美版《變形金剛》--Transformers Generation 1(包括後續的Rebirth--再生3集)正版音像制品VCD/DVD,采用了上海電視台著名藝術家原汁原味的配音。98集美版《變形金剛》被變形金剛迷們譽為“永遠的經典”。它將帶我們進入一個似曾相識的神奇世界。
1984年美國推出大型系列動畫片16集《變形金剛》(SEASON 1),簡稱TF。這部動畫片按照美國人對科幻理念的理解和對將來世界的揭示方式,並借助高科技制作技術,讓機器人首次成為和人類一樣的智能種族。其宏大非凡的創意,神奇合理的想象,開創了動畫片歷史的一個經典時代。這種徹底的、純粹的美國版式《變形金剛》在美國100多家電視頻道播出後引起了極大轟動,很快就蜚聲國際動畫市場。
1985年“孩之寶”公司又在前16集基礎上雄心勃勃推出了49集(SEASON 2)。之後86年推出30集(SEASON 3)。 1989年,由上海電視台譯制的美版95集經典動畫片《變形金剛》在中國電視台一經播出,立即在全國掀起了一股“金剛熱”。當時在中國推出的“變形金剛”品牌玩具,幾乎讓全國所有熟知影片的兒童為之迷戀。
首播時間: 1987.XX.XX ~ 1987.XX.XX
DVD 發行: 2001.06.26 / 2004.XX.XX
第四季也堪稱變形金剛美版 G1 的完美大結局。
《The Rebirth/新生》中英文劇情(英文劇情介紹來源: Alpha Trion's Data Base)
這三集的內容主要講的是頭領戰士的產生(我的理解是這三集相當於 2010 到頭領戰士的過渡),可是這三集裡頭領戰士的來源和幾位迷友說的不一樣,我很迷惑,難道變形金剛自己也無法自圓其說了?
【 第一集 】
In a race on Cybertron, Hot Rod manages to defeat the other Autobot cars, including Blurr with the help of Spike in the driver's seat. Autobot Brainstorm declares that Autobots could be even more efficient with human operators. Meanwhile, The Decepticons attack Autobot City in an attempt to steal the key to the plasma chamber on Cybertron. They succeed and Punch is badly damaged. The 'cons then attack Cybertron and try to gain access to the chamber, but, when they try to open it, ten Decepticons (led by Cyclonus) and twelve Autobots (led by Hot Rod), as well as Spike and Daniel, are propelled to the far away world of Nebulos, along with the key. The planet Nebulos has two factions: the Hive, evil Nebulons who use their mental power to control machines to do their bidding, led by Lord Zarak, and their opponents who hate machinery and just want to live in peace. Each group of Transformers falls in with its respective camp, but the good Nebulons nearly destroy the 'bots, hating machinery. Daniel is severely wounded in battle, and the 'bots decide they need an edge after half their number are captured by the 'cons. They plan to link with four Nebulons (and Spike and Daniel) to become Headmasters. Cerebros, a pacifist, refuses to bond with Spike, but the others successfully complete the operation, with Daniel's bond to Arcee, saving his life.
在塞伯特恩上的一次賽車比賽中,Hot Rod 成功擊敗了其他所有汽車人,甚至包括斯派克駕駛的羅嗦也被打敗了。汽車人 Brainstorm 宣稱如果有人類協助的話,汽車人會得到很大增強。正在這時,霸天虎開始了對汽車人城堡的進攻,目的是盜取打開塞伯特恩上的等離子室的鑰匙。他們偷到了鑰匙。而 Punch 受了重傷。接著,霸天虎開始進攻塞伯特恩,企圖打開通向等離子室的道路。但正當他們准備打開等離子室大門時,以狂飙為首的十個霸天虎以及 Hot Rod 等十二個汽車人(包括斯派克和丹尼爾)和那把鑰匙一起,被卷入遙遠的那布羅斯行星。那布羅斯行星上有兩個派別:一個是由 Zarak 王領導的邪惡的 Hive,他們依靠自身的特異功能控制著各種機器供他們驅使,他們的對手則厭惡機械世界,向往和平安寧的生活。霸天虎們落在了 Hive 當中,而汽車人們落在了和平的一方,但是汽車人們差一點被消滅,因為和平的一方憎恨機械。在戰斗中,丹尼爾受了重傷,後來又有一半的汽車人被俘虜了,於是汽車人做出重大決定。他們打算同四個那布羅斯星人(以及斯派克和丹尼爾)組合,變成頭領戰士。和平主義者 Cerebros 拒絕和斯派克合體,但其余的人都成功地完成了組合。同阿爾茜的合體,使丹尼爾保住了性命。
The Decepticons attack the Autobots in Autobot City. The large attack is a diversion so Pounds and Wingspan can steal the key to the plasma energy chamber on Cybertron. Punch tries to stop them but doesn't succeed and is damaged. Meanwhile on cybertron Hot Rod with Daniel helping him races against Blurr. Hot Rod wins because of Daniels help. Brainstorm says that a human could be a huge help to a Transformer. Then Optimus Prime contacts them that all the decepticons are underway to assault Cybertron and that they have to prevent the Decepticons from entering the plasma energy chamber. A group of Autobots see Scourge going below the surface they decide to follow him in a shuttle. When they arrive at the plasma energy chamber Scourge already has activated the chamber. Scourge is hit by the energy and is overloaded. Cerebros and Spike get the key from the chamber and then the shuttle is hit by an energy bolt. Cerebros and Spike jump onboard and then the Shuttle is launched into space by the energy. When Galvatron and the rest of the decepticons arrive at the chamber they find Scourge. After he's revived he tells Galvatron what happened. Galvotron orders Scourge to follow the Autobots in their shuttle and retrieve the key. The Autobots in their shuttle crashland on a planet and are taken prisoner by a group of Rebel Nebulons. The Nebulons fight "The Hive" a group of Nebulons who possess advanced machinery with which they control the Planet. The Nebulons think the Autobots are part of the Hive and want to destroy them. Then the Decepticons arrive and after some convincing by Spike the Nebulons decide to let the Autobots go so they can fight the Decepticons. During this fight Daniel is badly hurt and Blurr, Hot Rod, Kup, Crosshairs and Sureshot are taken prisoner by the Decepticons. Daniel is attached to a life support machine and has to stay there until they find something more mobile. Then Brainstorm comes with the idea of placing Nebulons and Humans in the heads of Transformers so they can better cooperate. With this Daniel should be able to walk around again too and Arcee asks Spike if she can get Daniel and he agrees. The remaining Autobots are modified so the Nebulons and Humans can merge with the Autobots, except for Cerebros who is sick and tired of fighting and he leaves. And so the first Headmasters are formed.
霸天虎進攻在地球汽車人城堡中的汽車人。這場大規模進攻其實是聲東擊西,這樣 Pounds 和 Wingspan 就可以偷到打開塞伯特恩上等離子能量室的鑰匙。Punch 試圖阻止他們,但不幸失敗,而且受了重傷。
與此同時在塞伯特恩上的一次賽車中,Hot Rod 在丹尼爾協助下迎戰羅嗦。由於丹尼爾的幫助,Hot Rod 勝出。Brainstorm 說人類對變形金剛來說有不可估量的巨大作用(這是伏筆)。接著,擎天柱大哥傳來消息說霸天虎正在進攻塞伯特恩的途中,並要他們做好准備阻止霸天虎進入等離子能量室。
一隊汽車人發現瘟疫在地面活動,他們決定乘一輛飛船跟著瘟疫。當他們到達等離子能量室時,瘟疫已經啟動了能量室。瘟疫被能量擊中導致過載故障。Cerebros 和斯派克從能量室中奪回了鑰匙,而此時飛船被一股能量所擊中。Cerebros 和斯派克跳上了飛船,而飛船被這股能量的作用拋到了宇宙空間中。
這些汽車人迫降在一個星球(Nebulos,那布羅斯行星)上,被一群叛變的那布羅斯星人俘虜了。這些那布羅斯星人與 Hive 戰斗 —— Hive 是另一幫那布羅斯星人,他們控制著的強大機器令他們統制著這顆星球。這些叛變的那布羅斯星人以為汽車人是 Hive 那邊的,便打算消滅汽車人。不久霸天虎也來到了那布羅斯行星。經過斯派克的解釋,這些那布羅斯星人決定放了汽車人,這樣汽車人就可以和霸天虎戰斗了。
在這次戰斗中,丹尼爾受了重傷,而且羅嗦、Hot Rod、杯子、Crosshairs 和 Sureshot 也被霸天虎抓住了。丹尼爾只能依靠一個生命支持機器,無法動彈,而且他不得不呆在那兒除非能找到一個更靈活的東西。這時 Brainstorm 想出了一個主意:把那布羅斯星人或人類放進變形金剛的頭部,那麼他們會更好地協作。這樣的話,丹尼爾也就能恢復行動能力了。阿爾茜問斯派克她是否能和丹尼爾合體,斯派克同意了。於是幸存下來的汽車人進行了改造,這樣那布羅斯星人和人類就可以與汽車人合體了。(但其中 Cerebros 由於厭倦了戰爭而退出。)這樣,第一批頭領戰士誕生了。
【 第二集 】
The 'bots rescue their friends. The 'cons meet up with the evil Nebulons, who mimic the Autobot's Headmaster idea: the five monster 'cons become Headmasters. Cyclonus and the other four 'cons have their weapons bonded with evil Nebulons. Another fight ensues, and the 'cons defeat the 'bots, but Brainstorm scans a 'con Targetmaster during the fight. The 'bots limp back and duplicate the Targetmaster idea with the remaining five of their number. Meanwhile, the Hive converts their base into Scorponok, which attacks just after the 'bots defeat the 'cons and recapture the key. (At some point in this ep, the other Transformers find Nebulos.)
汽車人營救了他們的同伴。汽車人遭遇邪惡的那布羅斯星人,他們模仿了汽車人頭領戰士的想法:五個怪獸霸天虎也變成了頭領戰士。狂飙和其他四個霸天虎讓邪惡的那布羅斯星人和他們的武器合體。又一場戰斗不可避免,霸天虎打敗了汽車人,但在戰斗過程中 Brainstorm 掃描分析了一個霸天虎 Targetmaster 。汽車人負傷返回後,他們把 Targetmaster 的想法用在了剩下的五個同伴身上。與此同時,Hive 把他們的基地轉換成了 Scorponok ,就在汽車人回來打敗霸天虎並奪回鑰匙之後,Scorponok 開始了進攻。(在這一集中的某個時候,其他變形金剛發現了那布羅斯行星。)
Now the Nebulons and Daniel merge with the Autobots. Arcana enters Brainstorms head, Duros enters Hardhead's head, Stylor enters Chromedome's head, Gort enters Highbrow's head and Daniel is placed within Arcee. They then test out the new combination on a few of the Hives machines. They are quite succesful with their attack. Now the Headmasters attack the Decepticons while they're questioning the captured Autobots. The Decepticons are beaten in no time by the Headmasters. The Hive observes these attacks and decide to capture the Decepticons and merge with them. Meanwhile on Cybertron Optimus Prime enters Vector Sigma so he can talk to Alpha Trion and find out what's going on. Alpha Trion tells him that Vector Sigma himself saw to it that the Decepticons found out about the excistence of the plasma energy chamber. Optimus Prime doesn't understand this and Alpha Trion tells him not to question the motives of Vector Sigma. He also tells Optimus that organic life isn't affected by the plasma energy and that a golden age of Cybertron is near and that the key should not be destroyed. The Hive captures the Decepticons and they agree to cooperate. The deceptincon animals will become Headmasters and the other decepticons donate their weapons so they can become Targetmasters. Meanwhile Cerebros returns badly injured to the others and tells them he's found a city. Then the newly created Decepticon Headmasters and Targetmasters attack them. Brainstorm is shot down and the key is taken from him, but when the Hive leaves Brainstorm graps Nightstick and scans him. The Autobots then create Targetmasters too for the leftover Autobots. After this Optimus Prime arrives in a shuttle and the Autbots tell him what has happpened and then the Autobots go to retrieve the key from the Decepticons. They get the key from Scourge but then Zarak's (the leader of the Hive) newest creation is put into the battle: Scorponok.
這樣那布羅斯星人和丹尼爾與汽車人合體了。Arcana 進入了 Brainstorm 的頭部,Duros 進入了 Hardhead 的頭部,Stylor 進入了 Chromedome 的頭部,Gort 進入了 Highbrow 的頭部,而丹尼爾被放進了阿爾茜的體內。他們便對著一些 Hive 的機器檢驗了一下這次合體的效果。結果他們的進攻十分成功。這樣汽車人頭領戰士們便去進攻霸天虎,而這時霸天虎正在拷問被抓住的汽車人。霸天虎眨眼間就被頭領戰士打敗了。Hive 觀察了他們的進攻並且決定抓住霸天虎來跟自己合體。與此同時,在塞伯特恩上,擎天柱進入了魔力神球中,這樣他就可以和泰師傅對話,並且查出到底發生了什麼。泰師傅告訴他魔力神球自己已經查覺霸天虎發現了等離子能量室的存在。擎天柱對此並不理解,泰師傅告誡他不要詢問魔力神球的目的。他還告訴擎天柱有機生命體不會受到等離子能量的影響,還有塞伯特恩的黃金時代即將到來,還有那把鑰匙決不能被破壞。Hive 抓住了霸天虎,霸天虎同意合體。霸天虎的機器動物將成為頭領戰士,而其他的霸天虎捐出了他們的武器,這樣他們就能成為 Targetmasters。此時,Cerebros 身負重傷回到其他汽車人中,並告訴他們他找到了一座城堡。接著,新生的霸天虎頭領戰士和 Targetmasters 來進攻了。Brainstorm 被擊落,而且他手裡的那把鑰匙也被奪走了。但是當 Hive 離開時,Brainstorm 抓住了 Nightstick 並且掃描了他。於是汽車人把剩下的人也改造成了 Targetmasters。後來,擎天柱乘飛船到達了,汽車人們便告訴他事情的經過,然後汽車人們出發去從霸天虎手中重新奪回鑰匙。他們從瘟疫手中拿回了鑰匙,可是不久 Zarak (Hive 的首領)的最新創造 Scoronok 投入了戰斗。
【 第三集 】
The 'cons get the key back, and return to Cybertron. Galvatron has a giant engine built on Cybertron to move it close to Earth's sun. He then uses Cybertron's plasma chamber to attempt to drive the Earth's sun nova and capture the energy. Optimus Prime arrives on Nebulos after a conference with Alpha Trion, and the Autobots pursue, except for pacifist Cerebros and Spike who stay behind. Cerebros is convinced by Spike to help rebuild an old Hive city , defended by drones (Gasket and Grommet). As the Autobots are threatened with defeat on Cybertron, the city arrives (flying through space), with Spike and Cerebros. Spike becomes Cerebros'head, and in turn, Cerebros becomes the head of the transformed city, now Fortress Maximus who defeats Scorponok. Spike and the Nebulons use the giant engine to suck the surplus off of the Sun before it novas, and uses the energy to bring about a Golden Age on Cybertron. Scorponok and the 'cons flee off into space.
霸天虎又搶回了鑰匙,並且返回了塞伯特恩。驚破天在塞伯特恩上建立一個巨大的發動機,用來把塞伯特恩推向地球的太陽。他接著利用塞伯特恩的等離子室企圖促使地球的太陽變成新星並從中吸取能量。擎天柱在和泰師傅會談之後抵達那布羅斯行星。汽車人們追蹤霸天虎而去,只用和平主義者 Cerebros 和斯派克留下。斯派克說服了 Cerebros 幫他改造一座舊的 Hive 城堡(由 drones (Gasket 和 Grommet) 守衛)。正當汽車人們在塞伯特恩上面臨失敗的困境時,那座城堡(飛越時空)與斯派克和 Cerebros 一起來了。斯派克變成了 Cerebros 的頭部,而接下來,Cerebros 變成了那座變形城堡的頭部。那座城堡現在叫 Fortress Maximus ,他打敗了 Scorponok 。斯派克和那布羅斯星人用那個巨大的發動機在太陽變成新星之前吸取了太陽的過剩能量,並且用這些能量使塞伯特恩進入了一個黃金時代。而 Scorponok 和霸天虎們則逃亡在宇宙中。
Scorponok graps Arcee as she has the key in her possession and then Scorponok takes off with the Decepticons to Cybertron. The Autobots decide to quickly follow them to prevent Galvatron from using the key. Spike and Cerebros stay behind to see if they can come up with something against Scorponok. Meanwhile Cybertron is in Galvatrons hands and he builds huge engines on Cybertron so he can move it to Earth. Galvatron grudgingly agrees to cooperate with Zarak as Zarak has the key in his possession. When On Nebulos Spike and Cerebros rebuild the City Cerebros found to a new super robot: Fortress Maximus. When the Shuttle with the Autobots arrive on Cybertron Ultra Magnus tells them what has happened here. Galvatron is planning to activate the plasma energy chamber so he can destroy Earth. De Nebulons want to destroy the key so that they can safe the universe even though Optimus Prime tells them not do destroy it. When the Autobots follow them into Scorponok they are captured. Galvatron activates the Chamber with a ten minute delay so he can safely flee. Then Fortress Maximus arrives and attacks the Decepticons. Scorponok and Fortress both change into their robot forms and attack eachother. Of course Fortress wins the fight. Cerebros and Spike then hurry to rescue the Autobots and Daniel. He finds the captured Autobots first. Optimus Prime tells him he has to quickly close the chamber, but Spike wants to rescue Daniel first. The chamber is opened and the Autobots all suffer from a power overload. Spike rescues Arcee and Daniel just in time and flee from Scorponok. Prime then tells Spike he is their only hope. Spike thinks of a way to send the Plasma Energy that is send to the sun directly to Vector Sigma. This works and the Golden Age is returned to Cybertron by this energy. Cerebros and the other Headmasters then return to Nebulos to destroy the remaining Hive machines and remain there is its guardians. On board Scorponok Galvatron and Zarak at last have control back over Scorponok after it was hit by Plasma Energy on Cybertron. And Galvatrons talks, as ever, over conquering the universe.
Scorponok 抓住了阿爾茜因為她拿著那把鑰匙,然後 Scorponok 起飛和霸天虎們一起前往塞伯特恩。汽車人們決定立刻跟蹤他們以防驚破天使用那把鑰匙。斯派克和 Cerebros 留了下來,打算找到什麼可以遏制 Scorponok 的東西。此時,塞伯特恩正在驚破天的掌握之中,他在塞伯特恩上建立了一個巨大的發動機,這樣他就可以把塞伯特恩推向地球。驚破天極不情願地同意和 Zarak 合作,因為 Zarak 擁有那把鑰匙。這時,在那布羅斯行星上,斯派克和 Cerebros 正在把那個 Cerebros 發現的城堡改造成一個新的超級機器人—— Fortress Maximus 。當汽車人們乘飛船到達塞伯特恩時,通天曉告訴了他們這裡所發生的事情。驚破天正打算啟動等離子能量室,這樣他就可以毀滅地球。即使擎天柱說不能破壞那把鑰匙,但正義一方的那布羅斯星人為了宇宙的安全,還是打算這麼做。當汽車人跟著他們潛入 Scorponok 時被俘虜了。驚破天啟動了能量室,不過為了他自己可以安全撤離,他設置了十分鐘的延時。這時 Fortress Maximus 到達了,並且向霸天虎進攻。Scorponok 和 Fortress 都變形成機器人模式開打。當然,Fortress 贏得了勝利。Cerebros 和斯派克於是立刻前去營救汽車人和丹尼爾。他首先找到了被俘的汽車人。擎天柱告訴他,他必須立刻關閉能量室,但是斯派克想先救丹尼爾。能量室終於啟動了,而且汽車人全都因此引起能量過載。斯派克及時從 Scorponok 中救出了阿爾茜和丹尼爾。擎天柱此時對斯派克說他是汽車人唯一的希望。斯派克想出了一個辦法,可以把現在正直接沖向太陽的等離子能量束轉向魔力神球。他成功了,而且依靠這些能量,塞伯特恩迎來了一個黃金時代。後來,Cerebros 和其他頭領戰士返回了那布羅斯行星去消滅了剩下的 Hive 的機器,並且留在那裡作為那裡的衛士。盡管 Scorponok 在塞伯特恩上被等離子能量所擊中,乘坐在 Scorponok 裡的驚破天和 Zarak 終於還是重新控制了 Scorponok 。此後驚破天還在口出狂言,像以前一樣,還是那些征服宇宙之類的話。
Pounds = 突擊(霸天虎克隆戰士)
Wingspan = 飛翔(霸天虎克隆戰士)
Punch = (兩面人/Double Spy 的汽車人名字,他的霸天虎名字叫 Counterpunch)
Brainstorm = 小諸葛·黎恩
Hardhead = 老頑固·費特
Chromedome = 電腦怪傑·郭文
Highbrow = 電子斗士·海隆
Cerebros = (不詳)
Fortress Maximus = 巨無霸·福特
Hive = (不詳)
Targetmasters = 目標戰士
Nightstick = (不詳)
Zarak = 撒克
Scoronok = (不詳)
3、目標戰士的數量(美版 11 人,日版 6 人)。
從第三點看出:這三集很大程度為 TargetMaster 版的 Hot Rod、杯子、羅嗦、狂飙、瘟疫的五個玩具做廣告,而日版並未推出這五人的目標戰士版玩具,換成了另外兩個(消防車和爵士),美版 TM 版玩具 11 人全部登場,日版 TM 版玩具 8 人登場 6 人,就是問題所在。美版動畫片制作 98 集時並未想到以後的日版頭領戰士,我想中國引進時可能是為了劇情的銜接,去掉這三集。
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