中文名: 保加利亞最佳動畫選英文名: Best of Bulgarian Animation資源格式: DVDRip版本: 保加利亞動畫發行時間: 2000年導演: Bulgarian Animation地區: 保加利亞語言: 保加利亞語簡介:

Basicamente lo que dice el titulo , como tantos y tantos best of es de imaginar que no nos ofreceran lo mejor, pero al menos si una muestra... algun corto parece interesante por lo que he visto por encima

( todavia no he visto los cortos adecuadamente ) .
- Como curiosidad decir que parecen haber sido editados por Rembrandt films que ya editara dos recopilaciones de animacion Croata ( de Zagreb concretamente ) y que ya publicó en su dia Gilliam en este hilo
- Res. 720x480, 734 MB. 50 Min . Buena calidad de imagen evidentemente y parece un DVD-rip.
- Sin diálogos / No subs needed .
- Incluye estos titulos :
1.- Baby Dreams at the Factory - Pencho Kunchev
2.- Singing Cowboys - Proiko Proikov
3.- Three Fools Series - Donyo Donev
4.- Beach - Radka Batchkarova
5.- Caw! - Stoyan Dukov
6.- de Facto - Donyo Donev
7.- Left, Right - ??
The Best of Bulgarian Animation
DVD Rip | Xvid | MP3 128kbps | 720x480 | 482 MB | 50min | 4:3
Genre: Animation
A collection of Bulgarian animated films from the award winning Sofia Animation Studios in Eastern Europe
The studio's films have won many awards and prizes, and its bi-annual World Animation Film Festival in Varna solidified Bulgaria as an international animation center. Like Zagreb, the Sofia Animation Studio carved its own unique niche with an original graphic style and quirky storytelling. Fascinating and innovative, these short animated films each have a unique look, a feel for dark comedy, and are all appropriate for children.
Included in the compilation are:
1. Baby Dreams at the Airport (1988), directed by Pencho Kunchev
2. Baby Dreams at the Automobile Factory (1990), directed by Vladimir Malik
Two episodes in the wild 12-part series by the Sofia Animation Studio�s Pencho Kunchev, featuring a mischievous baby who embarks on death-defying adventures in the world of adults. Anything goes as one image morphs into another, with the baby always emerging miraculously unscathed.
3. De Facto (1973), directed by Donyo Donev
The creator of The Three Fools series, Donyo Donev specialises in exposing human stupidity. Here the collapse of a newly built house propmpts a search for a scapegoat by the town leaders.
4. Three Fools and the Automobile (1973), directed by Anton Trayanov
5. Three Fools and the Hat, directed by Anton Trayanov
6. Three Fools and the Tent, directed by Anton Trayanov
7. Three Fools and the Hammer Throw, directed by Anton Trayanov
Sofia�s most comical creation, these well-meaning blockheads are equal parts Laurel Hardy, Three Stooges, and Dumb and Dumber. Here is a selection from their zaniest exploits.
8. Beach, directed by Radka Batchkarova
In great visual style, Radka Batchkarova tells the story of frogs battling ducks over a beautiful beach.
9. Caw!, directed by Stoyan Dukov
Stoyan Dukov�s simple tale of a persistent interloper � a crow - who insists on joining a choral group.
10. Left, Right ... (director unknown)
A young bird literally cannot follow the rules as he marches to a different drummer.
11. The Intelligent Village (1972), directed by Donyo Donev
In another gem from Donyo Donev, a medieval town is overrun by snakes. The town elders shrewdly solve that problem only to create another!