"《X戰警:傳奇》(X-Men: Legacy)[1-260+Annuals/連載中][漫畫]全彩英文版[壓縮包]"Anime介紹:
中文名: X戰警:傳奇
英文名: X-Men: Legacy
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: [1-260+Annuals/連載中][漫畫]全彩英文版
發行時間: 1991年
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
■漫畫名: X戰警:傳奇
■作者名: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
■出版社名: Marvel
■發行日期: 1991
■文字: 英文
Volume 1 (1963-): X-Men -> Uncanny X-Men
Volume 2 (1991-): X-Men -> New X-Men -> X-Men: Legacy
Volume 3 (2011-): X-Men
這個資源是vol.3。從1991年起以X-Men 001的書名出版,至114期Grant Morrison擔任作者,把書名改為New X-Men,到157期才回復舊稱,之後在208期改名為X-Men: Legacy出版至今。
X-Men: Legacy is a comic book series published by Marvel Comics featuring the mutant superhero team, the X-Men.
The title began its publication in October 1991 as X-Men. From 2001 until 2004 it was published as New X-Men. It had reverted (as of issue #157) to its original title, but changed again (from issue #208) to X-Men: Legacy. It is usually referred to as X-Men, vol. 2 because the first series, currently Uncanny X-Men, was titled The X-Men prior to 1981
In 1991, Marvel launched X-Men, vol. 2 as a spinoff of the parent title Uncanny X-Men, with co-writers Chris Claremont and Jim Lee, previously the penciler on Uncanny, moving over to X-Men, while studio mate Whilce Portacio took over penciling duties on Uncanny. X-Men #1 is still the bestselling comic book of all time, with sales of over 8.1 million copies (and nearly $7 million), according to Guinness Book of World Records, which presented honors to Claremont at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con (however, it probably sold closer to 3 million copies). The sales figures were generated in part by publishing the issue with five different variant covers, four of which showed different characters from the book that combined into a tetraptych image, and a fifth, gatefold cover that combined these four, large numbers of which were purchased by retailers, who anticipated fans and speculators who would buy multiple copies in order to acquire a complete collection of the covers. Chris Claremont, left after three issues due to creative differences with editor Bob Harras. Writers John Byrne and Scott Lobdell handled dialogue after Claremont's departure, and Lee himself left the title after issue #11 to form a new company, Image Comics with several other Marvel artists.
Initially, the book focused on a team led by Cyclops, with the other members forming a squad led by Storm. This premise has at times faded from mention, only to be resurrected, with the X-Men divided at times into two and even three separate squads.
New X-Men
X-Men ran for 10 years, with various creative teams. In July 2001 during a revamp of the X-Men franchise, its title changed to New X-Men, featuring an ambigram logo (issue #114). Along with these modifications, a new writer, Grant Morrison, was assigned to the title. These changes by the newly appointed Marvel Comics editor-in-chief, Joe Quesada, reflected his idea for flagship titles like X-Men to regain some of their former glory, as well as regaining critical acclaim.
Morrison's tenure on the title dealt with Cyclops, Wolverine, Phoenix, Beast, Emma Frost and Xorn. While the second squad of X-Men in Uncanny continued on as (now undercover) super heroes, Grant Morrison redirected these X-Men’s mission to that of teachers. Additionally, New X-Men artist Frank Quitely redesigned the look of the team, giving them sleek, leather / polyester outfits instead of their traditional superhero uniforms for a more contemporary look and feel. The book also moved in a similar direction to other comics books, by reducing written dialogue.
Some more of the long-lasting changes that occurred during Morrison's run were the secondary mutation of Beast to resemble a lion-like rather than his former ape-like appearance, and Emma Frost introduced as a member of the team, recreating the ties between Jean Grey and the Phoenix (retconning the retcon), and the death of Phoenix. The school expanded from simply a training center to a legitimate school with dozens of mutant students, a story idea that was first explored in the X-Men film. One of the more controversial events of New X-Men happened in issue #115 when the island of Genosha and its inhabitants, including Magneto, were completely destroyed. This set the tone that dominated the rest of Morrison's tenure on the book.
In June 2004, Chuck Austen, previously the writer of Uncanny X-Men, moved to X-Men with issue #155. The title of the series reverted to its original title of X-Men in July 2004 with issue #157 during the "X-Men Reload" event.
X-Men: Legacy
The title was renamed X-Men: Legacy starting in February 2008 with issue #208.
The retitled series follows on from the conclusion of the Messiah Complex crossover, where Professor X was accidentally shot in the head by Bishop. Shortly after the X-Men presumed him deceased, his body disappeared and his whereabouts were unknown. X-Men: Legacy initially followed the Professor's presumed road to recovery as well as the encounters he faced, such as a battle with the mutant Exodus on the psychic plane and discoveries about his past that include Mr. Sinister.
Many characters have been featured in the title, including Rogue, Magneto, Gambit, and the Acolytes. The title also featured flashbacks relevant to the ongoing present story as well as answered dangling plot lines throughout X-Men continuity.
As of issue #226, Rogue replaced Professor Xavier as the central character. Having now achieved control over her absorption powers, Scott Summers (Cyclops) has repositioned Rogue as mentor to the younger mutants under the protection of the X-Men on Utopia. Rogue is in the unique position to be able to help the students, due to her abilities, allowing fresh insight to their use and control. She has so far, also, been shown to face off against notable deadly adversaries including: Emplate and Proteus. She is also took part in the X-Men: Second Coming crossover, acknowledging her special link to Hope.
The title was one of two ongoing books to house the Age of X crossover. The story now focuses on the fallout from that story and features a team composed of Rogue, Magneto, Gambit, Professor X, Legion, and Frenzy.
失落軍團 Lost Legions (250-253)
延續自Fall of the Mutants以及Age of X故事,Fall of the Mutants講述Magik為了拿回自己的靈魂,於是自以前的時間將Legion帶來,最後就借助Legion力量,將古老之神擊敗,拿回血石,也能將自己靈魂釋放。然後就發生了Age of X事件,Professor X和Doctor Nemesis在爭論如何醫治Legion分裂的人格問題,結果導致他將現世界的現實改變,最後他終於清醒過來,將一切回復。事後Doctor Nemesis為了他設計出一個儀器,可以隨意召喚出不同的人格和力量,不過在測試期間,卻發現了有部份的人格化成實體,自他的身體離開了。
Rogue在診斷過Legion後,知道有六個人格離開了他的身體。Cyclops下令要一隊人去解決這問題,於是Rogue、Professor X、Magneto、Gambit和Frenzy就出動了。他們先來到西班牙Tenefire特內裡費島,第一個目標名叫Time-Sink,他能控制時間,例如將時間停止,或將某人的思想時間回轉,他將數人擊倒,不過Legion直接向他攻擊,其實是讓Rogue向他偷襲,最後Legion將他吸回自己體內。由Time-Sink的記憶中,Rogue也得知其他人格走到倫敦去,於是Rogue和Magneto先其他人飛到那裡,整個城市空無一人,他們卻被同一面相的人所包圍,這個就是名為Chain的人格,他的能力就像病毒一樣,可憑碰觸別人而將他人控制,他的面相更變為Chain一樣,每個人更會配備獨有的武器。整個倫敦已被Chain所控制,唯一方法是將他打敗才可救回其他人。雖然Magneto能拿走他們的金屬武器,但他們用木制武器將Magneto打傷,也因為Chain的人數太多,他們不知道那一個他才是主體,所以他們先行撤退。
Gambit和Frenzy常常斗嘴,不過這時他兩竟然親吻起來,他們更發現有一個小女孩出現了。而Magneto和Rogue及Legion正在另一邊,突然Legion為了很小事而向Magneto發火。這小女孩正是Legion的另一走失的人格Susan In Sunshine,她能控制其他人的感情,或可利用感情轉化為能量。Legion問她想不想回家,然後就將她吸收進體內。Professor X這時亦找到Chain的主體確實位置,他們直闖那裡將他收回。下一站是巴黎,他們遇上了The Bleeding Image,他的能力是可令對手感受到他相同的痛楚,所以如果他以刀刺向自己,可令面前的Rogue感到痛楚,他更引爆身上的炸彈自殺,令Rogue痛得倒在地上。而他們亦獲悉另一人格Styx已經將Professor X擄走,目的是要引Legion去找他。
Styx的能力是可在觸碰別人後吸收他的靈魂,然後更可控制別人的身體,使用其超能力。當他們來到他所在處,發現他已把Professor X控制,利用他的心靈力四處制造出幻象。Styx更控制了多個平民,身上綁著炸藥,如果Legion不肯單獨去見他時,就將平民炸死。Magneto反對,因為Styx若將Legion也控制過來的話,將會變得天下無敵,但Legion沒有其他選擇,跟隨他獨自入內。就當Styx抓住Legion時,他也命令最後的人格Endgame去將那些X-Men殺死,Endgame是沒有實體的,他以能量之身藏在一套盔甲內。不過這時Legion也同時出現在Endgame背後,事實上去見Styx那一個只是Legion利用Chain的能力,假冒自己的傀儡。Magneto立即將Endgame打倒,讓Legion將他吸回。那個傀儡實際上就是Rogue,現在Legion收回他的力量,Rogue現身在Styx面前,反抓住他,逼使他釋放出曾吸收過的所有靈魂包括Professor X。Legion也來到,趁他們緊纏間將二人也吸進體內,Professor X也立即進入Legion腦中,發現Rogue無恙並已離開Legion。其實Rogue在Legion腦內時,不斷尋找Legion多重人格的力量,終於讓她找到一種,可探測出Rachel的位置,亦可以制造傳送門讓整隊人趕去救她。Professor X要帶著暈倒的Legion先回Utopia,於是其餘人就立即通過傳送門前往外太空去進行下一任務。但當Rogue到達時,她卻發現自己被一群Shi'ar外星人包圍,更用槍指著她。
- 上一頁:《金剛狼與X戰警》(Wolverine and the X-Men)[1-3/連載中][漫畫]全彩英文版[壓縮包]
- 下一頁:《惡靈騎士2099》(Ghost Rider 2099)[1-25/已完結][漫畫]全彩英文版[壓縮包]