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《金剛狼與X戰警》(Wolverine and the X-Men)[1-3/連載中][漫畫]全彩英文版[壓縮包]


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《金剛狼與X戰警》(Wolverine and the X-Men)[1-3/連載中][漫畫]全彩英文版[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 金剛狼與X戰警 英文名 : Wolverine and the X-Men 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : [1-3/連載中][漫畫]全彩英文版 發行時間 : 2011年 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 【作品信息】 ■漫畫名: 金剛狼與X戰警 ■作者名: Jason Aaron ■出版社名: Marvel ■發行日期: 2011 ■文字: 英文

"《金剛狼與X戰警》(Wolverine and the X-Men)[1-3/連載中][漫畫]全彩英文版[壓縮包]"Anime介紹:
中文名: 金剛狼與X戰警
英文名: Wolverine and the X-Men
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: [1-3/連載中][漫畫]全彩英文版
發行時間: 2011年
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

■漫畫名: 金剛狼與X戰警
■作者名: Jason Aaron
■出版社名: Marvel
■發行日期: 2011
■文字: 英文
"You're a Headmaster now, Professor Logan. Best accept the fact that you will never again seem even remotely "cool" to any of your students. And you haven't even started losing your hair yet. Which you will, by the way. "
-- Charles Xavier
Professor X gives Wolverine his blessings for the latest iteration of the school, now called the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. Now they only have to survive a visit by inspectors from the New York State Department of Education. The visit goes badly, to say the least, with the classes and teaching methods either baffling or straight out disgusting the inspectors. Not even Beast’s charm can save the situation. In the meantime, Kade Kilgore, new Black King of the Hellfire Club, introduces himself to Wolverine and threatens the school, only moments before the inspectors are panicking, chased by a horde of extra-dimensional Bamfs. And that very moment, the ground comes alive, threatening to swallow the school…

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