

 動漫電驢下載基地 >> 電視動畫 >> 《酷狗寶貝:神奇太空衣》(Wallace and Gromit - The Wrong Trousers)HQ和LQ兩個版本[DVDRip]

《酷狗寶貝:神奇太空衣》(Wallace and Gromit - The Wrong Trousers)HQ和LQ兩個版本[DVDRip]






《酷狗寶貝:神奇太空衣》(Wallace and Gromit - The Wrong Trousers)HQ和LQ兩個版本[DVDRip] 簡介: 中文名 : 酷狗寶貝:神奇太空衣 英文名 : Wallace and Gromit - The Wrong Trousers 資源格式 : DVDRip 版本 : HQ和LQ兩個版本 發行時間 : 1993年 導演 : 

"《酷狗寶貝:神奇太空衣》(Wallace and Gromit - The Wrong Trousers)HQ和LQ兩個版本[DVDRip]"Anime介紹:
中文名: 酷狗寶貝:神奇太空衣 英文名: Wallace and Gromit - The Wrong Trousers 資源格式: DVDRip 版本: HQ和LQ兩個版本 發行時間: 1993年 導演:  尼克 帕克 Nick Park 地區:  英國 語言:  英語 簡介

IPB Image

【評級】阿根廷:Unrated / 美國:Unrated / 葡萄牙:M/6



Peter Sallis .... Wallace
Anne Reid .... Wendolene Ramsbottom

導  演:尼克 帕克 (Nick Park)
編  劇:Bob Baker (II) / 尼克 帕克 (Nick Park)



「酷狗寶貝」黏土動畫是英國動畫公司Aardman的代表名作,以特殊的英國風格,輕松幽默的人物刻劃,精致的拍攝品質著稱,因此「酷狗寶貝」一推出,即成為全球注目的焦點。第一部動 畫「月球野餐記」(A Grand Day Out」在電視首次播放時,即掀起觀眾熱烈回響,並獲得奧斯卡金像獎的提名。再度推出的系列作品「引鵝入室」(The Wrong Trousers)及「剃刀邊緣」(A Close Shave)兩部動 畫,也分別得到當年奧斯卡最佳短片大獎。

Eccentric inventor Wallace has created a device that transports him out of his bed, dresses him, and prepares his breakfast. One morning, however, his machine plops him in the "wrong trousers," a pair of mechanized pants, which take him on a wild ride. Meanwhile, the domestic bliss of Wallace and his faithful dog, Gromit, is shattered when a mysterious penguin leases a room in their home. Is the penguin that Wallace has taken into their household a criminal mastermind or is Gromit just jealous of the attention Wallace has been lavishing on their new boarder? The answer is revealed in a thrilling climax that raises the bar for action in the medium of stop-motion animation.

代碼 # HQ
Codec: XviD
Bitrate: 1674 kbps
Resolution: 640x480

Codec: MPEG-1, Layer 3
Bitrate: 135 kbit/sek
Channels: 2 (stereo)
Fs: 48kHz

Runtime: 29:01 min

# LQ
Codec: Divx 3
Bitrate: 919 kbps
Resolution: 480x352

Codec: MPEG-1, Layer 3
Bitrate: 96 kbps
Channels: 2 (stereo)
Fs: 44,100

Runtime: 30:21 min

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