《游戲結束 第一季》(Game Over Season 1)[6集全][DVDRip] 簡介: 中文名 : 游戲結束 第一季 英文名 : Game Over Season 1 別名 : Meet the Breaknecks (USA) (working title) 資源格式 : DVDRip 版本 : [6集全] 發行時
【片名】: Game Over/游戲結束
【類型】: 喜劇/動作/幻想/科幻/動畫
【片長】: 每集約30分鐘
【集數】: 本季共6集
【字幕】: 無
本劇講述了一個不尋常的視頻游戲家庭世界裡的一個溫和的家庭的故事. 媽媽是個打劫者, 父親是個汽車賽車手, 鄰居是會功夫的和尚... 他們都很酷。本劇於2004年3月10日在美國和加拿大首播,DVD剛剛發行。
As head of the Smashenburn household, Patrick Warburton (Kim Possible) as Rip the hotshot Grand Prix race car driver who rides and wrecks daily. His feisty and attractive wife, Lucy Liu (Ally McBeal) as Raquel, a modern working woman, juggling family and her exhilarating job as gun-toting, monster-fighting Agent Smashenburn. Their son, Elizabeth Daily (Rugrats) as Billy, a 13-year-old shallow, but trendy wannabe hip-hopster, who often argues with his 14-year-old sister, Rachel Dratch (Saturday Night Live) as Alice, a cynical yet socially conscious teen. In the family's master plan to form a stronger bond, the Smashenburns attempt to find the perfect pet. Yet they end up with Artie Lange (MADtv) as Turbo, a 300-pound talking creature, whose favorite past times are robbing pawn shops, smoking stogies and creating mayhem –all with an attitude. The friendly next-door neighbors are the Changs, a family of Kung Fu fighting Shaolin monks, including the attractive Dark Princess, a.k.a. Mom and her husband, Sam.
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