《新蝙蝠俠》(The Batman)第1-5季全+劇場版[DVDRip]+[HDTV] 簡介: 中文名 : 新蝙蝠俠 英文名 : The Batman 資源格式 : HDTV 版本 : 第1-5季全+劇場版[DVDRip]+ 發行時間 : 2004年09月11日 導演 : Seung Kim Sam Liu
【片名】新蝙蝠俠/The Batman
新蝙蝠俠(The Batman)動畫於2004年9月在美國WB台首播,2006年WB台被CW台合並以後繼續在CW台播出,目前已播完4季,第5季正在播出中。
《蝙蝠俠》(Batman)系列動畫片由華納兄弟制作,分別出品了4部動畫,一個是《蝙蝠俠:動畫系列(BATMAN THE ANIMATED SERIES)》,一個是《新蝙蝠俠&羅賓冒險記(THE NEW BATMAN ADVENTURES)》,一個是《Batman Beyond》,一個是《The Batman》。中國國內引進的蝙蝠俠動畫片是由第1部(Batman: The Animated Series)和第2部(The New Batman Adventures)中挑選的36集。
本片是其中的第4部: The Batman
A young Bruce Wayne is in his third year of trying to establish himself as Batman, protector of Gotham City. He is in his mid-twenties, just finding his way as protector, defender and Caped Crusader, while balancing his public persona as billionaire bachelor Bruce Wayne. Living in Gotham, a metropolis where shadows run long and deep, beneath elevated train tracks, this younger Batman will confront updated takes of familiar foes - meeting each member of his classic Rogue's Gallery for the first time. From the likes of Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, Mr. Freeze, Riddler and Man-Bat, among others, the war on crime jumps to the next level with a new arsenal at the Dark Knight's disposal, all operated and linked by an advanced remote-controlled invention he dubs the "Bat-Wave."
This is the first animated Batman series since Batman: The Animated Series not to feature Kevin Conroy as the voice of the title character.
《蝙蝠俠動畫系列》(Batman: The Animated Series)[DVDRip]
《蝙蝠俠新冒險》(The New Batman Adventures)[DVDRip]
《未來蝙蝠俠》(Batman Beyond)[DVDRip]
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