【原名】Wolverine and the X-Men
【英文名】Wolverine and the X-Men
After three blockbuster movies, the incredible journey of the X-Men continues! The story picks up after an explosion shatters the lives of the X-Men, robbing them of their mentor, Professor X. The X-Men have no choice but to walk away from it all, until Wolverine catches a glimpse into the future and sees a world that has spiralled out of control. Now, it’s up to Wolverine to reunite the X-Men and lead the way toward a better and brighter future for humans and mutants alike!
導演:Steven E. Gordon
Tom Kane ... Magneto
Steve Blum ... Wolverine
Nolan North ... Cyclops
Kari Wahlgren ... Emma Frost / Zane / Various
Yuri Lowenthal ... Bobby Drake
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