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《馬達加斯加的企鵝》(The Penguins of Madagascar season 1)[AVI/RMVB][TVRip]






《馬達加斯加的企鵝》(The Penguins of Madagascar season 1)[AVI/RMVB][TVRip] 簡介: 中文名 : 馬達加斯加的企鵝 英文名 : The Penguins of Madagascar season 1 資源格式 : TVRip 版本 : [AVI/RMVB] 發行時間 : 2008年11月28日 地區 : 

"《馬達加斯加的企鵝》(The Penguins of Madagascar season 1)[AVI/RMVB][TVRip]"Anime介紹:
中文名: 馬達加斯加的企鵝 英文名: The Penguins of Madagascar season 1 資源格式: TVRip 版本: [AVI/RMVB] 發行時間: 2008年11月28日 地區:  美國 語言:  英語 簡介

【動畫名稱】The Penguins of Madagascar - Series 1 (2008/2009)
【首播時間】: 2008年11月28日
【頻道】Nickelodeon channel
【字幕】 破爛熊中英字幕
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當Alex, Marty Gloria和Melman幾個主角還在非洲悠閒度日(從《馬達加斯加:逃往非洲》後),四只企鵝(首領Skipper, 智囊Kowalski, 最年輕的Pirate和最瘋狂的Rico)已經回到了紐約中央動物園,並在此地執掌管理大權。與此同時他們還要執行各種秘密任務,時不時地他們就要從動物園逃出來執行任務。 正當這一隊企鵝覺得自己已經運籌帷幄之際,新鄰居——Julien,一只狐猴王搬來動物園。現在企鵝們必須為動物園首領的寶座與之展開角逐。。。

四只肥嘟嘟、憨態可掬的企鵝簡直喜愛到了無以復加的程度。這四只可愛的小家伙在動畫片《馬達加斯加》中作為配角出場,但是,它們的風頭絕對蓋過那四個言談舉止行為動作故作牽強滑稽狀的獅子斑馬河馬和長頸鹿!你可以在這部影片的“附屬產品”——《The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper》(中文譯名:馬達加斯加企鵝幫聖誕惡搞記)中欣賞到它們的精彩演出。
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Genre: Animation/Action/Comedy/Family

"The Penguins of Madagascar" is an animated TV series (Nickelodeon channel) based on the movies "Madagascar" and "Madagascar Escape 2 Africa" (see other Avax posts for the latter two films). Have you seen "Madagascar"? If you have, you'll remember the little penguins, as they were the best thing (and maybe the only good thing) from that movie, and if you haven't seen the movie, you'll love them anyway as soon as you see them! One of the 15 files here is a little 12 minute "movie" Dreamworks have done, featuring those same heroes (and only them this time) - "The Madagascar Penguins In A Christmas Caper". Now this is absolutely fantastic, it's great, it's hilarious - to watch it is a pure moment of bliss.

These 26 episodes, plus the two "special" movies, are included here:
Episode Titles

Special 1: Popcorn Panic
Special 2: The Christmas Caper

1. Gone In A Flash
2. Launchtime
3. Haunted Habitat
4. Operation: Plush and Cover
5. Happy King Julien Day
6. Paternal Egg-Stinct
7. Assault and Batteries
8. Penguiner Takes All
9. Two Feet High And Rising
10. Tangled in the Web
11. Crown Fools
12. The Hidden
13. Kingdom Come

16.Go Fish 05.30.2009
17.Miracle on Ice 05.30.2009
18.Needle.Point 06.06.2009
19.Eclipsed 06.06.2009
20.Mort.Unbound 24.06.2009
21.Roomies 24.06.2009
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感謝sina2003 提供修正後的破爛熊版字幕。已更改字幕[color=red]
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