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《René Laloux 短片兩部》(2 animated shorts by Rene Laloux)[DVDRip],電視動畫、資源下載


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《René Laloux 短片兩部》(2 animated shorts by Rene Laloux)[DVDRip],電視動畫、資源下載 簡介: 簡介: 引用La prisonnière The Captive is a sketch-piece made by René Laloux and Philippe Caza in preparation for the future more carefully produced work. It is based on comics by Caza and rel

"《René Laloux 短片兩部》(2 animated shorts by Rene Laloux)[DVDRip],電視動畫、資源下載"Anime介紹:
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引用La prisonnière
The Captive is a sketch-piece made by René Laloux and Philippe Caza in preparation for the future more carefully produced work. It is based on comics by Caza and relates an enigmatic story of two children who come to a city of silence and discover that a mysterious female prisoner is kept in the tallest tower.
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引用How Wang-Fo was saved
Wang-Fo [is] a supreme master of painting in medieval China. Reality is portrayed in his paintings even more beautifully than it actually is, in fact once one has seen the work of Wang-Fo, one scorns reality. In one part he paints the narrator s wife, who then falls out of love with her and in love with her portrayal in the paintings. One s glee is aroused when one realises the reflexivity involved. You are yourself witnessing animation that is so good that you are in danger of falling out with reality yourself (especially as regards the unreal landscapes in the film, highly influenced by Oriental art).
Without wishing to give away the plot too much I will say that Wang-Fo s skill incurs the Emperor s displeasure. His work is portrayed as being tantamount to sacrilegious because of its tendency to diminish reality. The Emperor orders Wang-Fo s mutilation, and it is how he is saved (the title points to this being the key to the riddle) that really makes the movie transcendent.
何內‧拉路(Rene Laloux),法國動畫大師,1929年出生在巴黎,在藝術學校學習繪畫。畢業後從事廣告,他從實習生就開始做試驗動畫,2004年3月14日逝世。他是1973年得到坎城影展金棕榈獎的巨擘級大師,有過當精神病院看護的經歷,作品充滿了 艾美麗異想式 ,他善於表現超現實的奇幻故事。他以長篇科幻動畫《La Planete Sauvage》(奇幻星球),風格獨樹一格,畫風類似素描插畫,全片的皆以CUT-OUT 剪紙動畫風格來呈現,角色的動作風格與傳統的Character Animation 角色動畫成對比,內容有別於美國迪士尼兒童動畫。他的重要作品有:動畫短片《死亡之時》,《蝸牛驚魂記》,《奇幻星球》,《時間掌握》,《甘達星人》,《王福先生獲救記》。
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