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《外星入侵者ZIM 第一季》(Invader ZIM Season 1)[R1RAW][AVI][27集全][DVDRip],電視動畫、資源下載


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《外星入侵者ZIM 第一季》(Invader ZIM Season 1)[R1RAW][AVI][27集全][DVDRip],電視動畫、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: 外星入侵者ZIM 第一季英文名: Invader ZIM Season 1資源格式: DVDRip版本: [R1RAW][AVI][27集全]發行時間: 2007年導演: Jhonen Vasquez Steve Ressel配音演員: Richard Steven Horvitz .... Invader ZIM (voice) Andy Berman .... Dib (voi

"《外星入侵者ZIM 第一季》(Invader ZIM Season 1)[R1RAW][AVI][27集全][DVDRip],電視動畫、資源下載"Anime介紹:
中文名: 外星入侵者ZIM 第一季英文名: Invader ZIM Season 1資源格式: DVDRip版本: [R1RAW][AVI][27集全]發行時間: 2007年導演: Jhonen Vasquez
Steve Ressel配音演員: Richard Steven Horvitz .... Invader ZIM (voice)
Andy Berman .... Dib (voice)
Rosearik Rikki Simons .... GIR (voice)
Billy West .... Invader ZIM (pilot episode) (voice)
Melissa Charles .... Gaz (voice)
Rodger Bumpass .... Professor Membrane (voice)
Lucille Bliss .... Miss Bitters (voice)
Wally Wingert .... Almighty Tallest Red/Larb s SIR Unit (voice)
Kevin McDonald .... Almighty Tallest Purple (voice)
布拉德·阿布萊爾 Brad Abrell .... Announcer (voice)
Mo Collins .... Robomom/Various Voices (voice)
Danny Cooksey .... Dirge (The Web-Toed Kid) (voice)
Greg Ellis .... Alan (voice)
大衛·赫爾曼 David Herman .... Various Voices (voice)
Kerri Kenney .... Bus Driver/Clown/Various Voices (voice)地區: 美國,菲律賓語言: 英語簡介:
【片名】 Invader ZIM/外星入侵者ZIM
【字幕】 暫無
【格式】 DVDRip
一名想要征服地球的外星人ZIM 假扮成人類,而只有一個妄想狂的小孩Dib Membrane知道這個秘密。本劇於2001年3月30日在美國和菲律賓首播,DVD剛剛發行。
以小學生的身分在地球生活,雖然說是入侵者,但是幾乎都沒在進行侵略的動作...(反而在我看過的集數中,拯救地球兩次= = )
Invader Zim的動畫進行是有點類似PPG(飛天小女警),30分鐘演兩話,1話12分鐘左右,所以每一話幾乎都充滿笑點....
Invader ZIM is an eccentric alien soldier from the planet Irk. He was banished from the Irken Empire after nearly destroying his home planet on an early mission. After begging his superiors, the Almighty Tallest Red and Purple, for another chance, they decide to get rid of him once and for all. They trick him into going on a secret mission to an obscure planet at the edge of the universe, a planet with the unlikely name of Earth. Their trick works, and now ZIM is intent on bringing down the human race. He disguises himself as a schoolboy, and now the only person who can stop him is one kid - Dib Membrane, a somewhat insane paranormal researcher, who sees straight through ZIM s disguise and is intent on stopping his reign of terror. But neither ZIM nor Dib is very good at their job, and what results is everything imaginable, from a giant hamster destroying the city to both ZIM and Dib being turned into bologna meat.
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