中文名: 超級蜘蛛俠英文名: Spider-Man Unlimited資源格式: TVRip版本: [第1季13集全]發行時間: 1999年地區: 加拿大語言: 西班牙語簡介:
【片名】超級蜘蛛俠/Spider-Man Unlimited
《超級蜘蛛俠》(Spider-Man Unlimited)於1999-2001年在加拿大首播,共1季13集。該劇是94年版蜘蛛俠動畫的外傳,講述了蜘蛛俠劫持了一架太空船幫助John Jameson 對抗Venom 和Carnage,最後被困在了 反地球 ,一顆太陽另一邊並和地球在相同軌道的星球。在反地球上他發現了一個科技高度發達的社會,生活著類人動物和野獸,由最高進化准則所統治,而人類只是第二階級的公民。
蜘蛛俠是Marvel漫畫公司的Stan Lee筆下漫畫人物之一,蜘蛛俠第一次出現在1962年第十五期的《神奇的幻想》(“Amazing Fantasy #15”)中.因為蜘蛛俠的成功,《神奇的幻想》因而改名為《神奇的蜘蛛俠》(“The Amazing Spider-Man”),Stan Lee因此被升職,這個在16歲便加入Marvel漫畫公司的小伙子,很快在一年後,成為漫畫行業最年輕的畫家(編輯editor).直到二十世紀七十年代早期,Marvel漫畫公司這個最大(重要dominant)的漫畫出版公司,很大都歸功於壓倒性流行(overwhelming popularity)的蜘蛛俠.
1977年,蜘蛛俠開始了他在報紙漫畫的旅程,並迅速成為最成功的報紙漫畫之一.蜘蛛俠在全球各地超過500種報紙上出現過,使他成為連載最長的超級英雄報紙漫畫.從連載開始直到Stan Lee在二十世紀九十年代後期離開Marvel漫畫公司以來,Stan Lee都是親自創作這個一星期七天的蜘蛛俠報紙漫畫.Stan Lee的弟弟在二十世紀八十年代後期開始為Marvel漫畫公司繪畫,然後代替Fred Kids成為《神奇的蜘蛛俠》的畫家.
蜘蛛俠電視動畫系列首次在1967年ABC電(視)台亮相.從1967年到1969年共播出了兩季,未被播出的第三季被別的媒體所發行.CBS在1977年到1979年播出了蜘蛛俠真人電視劇(a live action Spider-Man TV series).一些劇集還被編輯為三部蜘蛛俠電影.
蜘蛛俠動畫在1981年再次回歸電視.以蜘蛛俠為主的系列(A syndicated Spider-Man solo series)從1981年播放至1982年.緊接著1982年到1985年NBC播出了“蜘蛛俠和他的神奇朋友”(“Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends”)(其中包括,冰人(Iceman),星火(Firestar),和驚人的綠巨人(the Incredible Hulk)).最成功的便是九十年的“蜘蛛俠”(“Spider-Man”)65集動畫,後續的“超級蜘蛛俠”(“Spider-Man Unlimited”)比較短命,很快播完並被“數碼暴龍”(“Digimon”)取代.
Covering a shuttle launch to the planet known as Counter-Earth, Peter Parker discovers the symbiote villians, Venom and Carnage, boarding the craft as it launches. When he is unable to stop them as Spider-Man and contact is lost with the shuttle, he is blamed for the disaster and hunted until he is believed to have been killed in a fire. Peter does survive and is content to lie low until he learns that the crew is alive, but trapped on Counter-Earth. Gaining a new costume and weapons from Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four, he boards a second shuttle to rescue the crew and travels to the planet. Shot down, he finds must get involved in a fight against the tyranny of the planet s ruler, The High Evolutionary and distorted copies of his old enemies on this new world.
This series was made to be a spin off to the Spiderman show in 1994. Hijacking a space shuttle to help up John Jameson against Venom and Carnage, Spider-Man ends up stuck on Counter-Earth, an Earth like planet in the same orbit on other side of the sun. There he finds a high tech society where humanoid animals, the beastials, rule under the leadership of the High Evolutionary, while humans are seen as second class citizens.
And if that wasn t bad enough, Venom and Carnage are about, having their minds set on golbal domintation through the help of the Synoptic - a hivemind producing spores that turn people into it s mindless slaves.
It is to be noted that this series ended on a cliffhanger and no more episodes have been put into production. There were six episodes that were produced for the second season, but were never aired.
Destiny Unleashed
This saga was never completed, nor will it ever be. It is seen in the episode guide as Destiny Unleashed (1) because it was planned to finish it before it was canceled.
- 上一頁:《振臂高揮》(Oofuri)[薔薇十字字幕組][03更新中][RMVB+AVI][TVRip],電視動畫、資源下載
- 下一頁:《蜘蛛俠和他的神奇朋友們》(Spider