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《Podge and Rodge. A Scare at Bedtime 第一季》(Podge and Rodge. A Scare at Bedtime Season 1)更新至第15集[DVDRip] 簡介: 中文名 : Podge and Rodge. A Scare at Bedtime 第一季 英文名 : Podge and Rodge. A Scare at Bedtime Season 1 別名 : Podge and Rodge 午夜驚魂 第一季 資源格式 : DVDRip 版本 : 更新至第15集 發行時間 : 1997年 導演 : Damian Farrell Sim
Pádraig Judas O'Leprosy and Rodraig Spartacus O'Leprosy ( b.1941) are the two central characters on A Scare at Bedtime, an Irish adult comedy televised puppet show.
A Scare at Bedtime took its name from the nightly RTÉ show called A Prayer at Bedtime, which overlaid the text of a Roman Catholic prayer over serene images with choral music playing. A Scare at Bedtime, first aired in 1997, is close to being the polar opposite of this, with extremely adult content, lewd jokes and slightly obscene anecdotes being related by the two puppets.
Each episode follows the same pattern: Rodge, the dumber of the two, arrives home. Originally the pair would get into bed but in recent seasons they sit at the kitchen table. They talk about what Rodge was doing, with Podge usually insulting him. This leads Podge on to telling a story (acted out by live actors) about some people (whose names are usually sexual innuendos, e.g. Enda Meshank, Chris Peacock, Ulick McGee) who inevitably come to an unpleasant end.
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