中文名: 皮特·帕恩動畫作品集英文名: Priit Pärn資源格式: DVDRip版本: 1978-2003愛沙尼亞動畫大師發行時間: 1978年導演: Priit Pärn地區: 愛沙尼亞語言: 愛沙尼亞語簡介:

引用皮特·帕恩是當代愛沙尼亞最著名的動畫大師。他本來念生物學,大學時期已開始畫諷刺漫畫,一九七六年加入塔林電影制片廠擔任動畫師。當時制片廠拍攝的動畫電影,以兒童及教育為主。Priit Parn的早期作品,例如《小把戲》,就是拍給小朋友看的,不過從中已經可以看到他的搞鬼風格,短片裡的小熊就像孫悟空懂得七十二變,能夠變成不同的東西,吸引其他動物的注意。一九八四年的《休息時間》更是創意澎湃,雖然只有短短九分鐘,卻充滿了天馬行空的想像:眼鏡可以變成雞蛋,然後孵出眼睛;地平線原來不是地平線,山也不是山,水也不是水,總之令人意想不到。
一九八七年的《草地上的早餐》令帕恩聲名大噪。一九九一年愛沙尼亞脫離蘇聯獨立之後,Priit Parn繼續制作了多部動畫,包括在東歐暗室與粉色美國夢之間徘徊的《Hotel E》;趁著電影一百周年杜撰一段盧米埃兄弟(Auguste and Louis Lumiere)的生平,藉以反思電影本身的《一八九五》;趁著千年蟲問題回應電腦時代的《胡蘿卜之夜》;還有影射馬克思和瑪麗蓮夢露的《卡爾和瑪麗蓮》。
《卡爾和瑪麗蓮》拿馬克思的胡子和瑪麗蓮夢露的裙擺來開玩笑。酷似馬克思的Karl是個萬人迷,為了一嘗當平凡人的滋味,不惜剃掉胡子和頭發,甚至揮刀殺死理發師。窮家女Marilyn則夢想成為眾人偶像,干掉老媽之後,穿上緊身裙,仿效《七年之癢》的夢露,不停跑到通風口上揚起裙擺,吸引途人注目。故事裡還出現了貌似約翰連侬的攝影師,以及酷似哲古華拉的警探。Priit Parn不脫戲谑本色,以異想天開的情節,嘲諷群眾盲目崇拜的心態,無論是共產年代的個人崇拜(以毛發濃密的Karl為代表)還是全球化年代的偶像崇拜(以全身脫毛的Marilyn為代表),原來都如出一轍。
Animated films
Is The Earth Round? (Kas maakera on ümmargune?, 1977)
...And Plays Tricks (...Ja teeb trikke, 1978)
The best children's film from 2 nd Varna Animated Film Festival, Bulgaria 1981
Exercises In Preparation For Independent Life (Harjutusi iseseisvaks eluks, 1980)
2 nd Prize at the 15 th USSR filmfestival, 1981
The Triangle (Kolmnurk, 1982)
Time Out (Aeg maha, 1984)
Grand Prix Varna Animated Film Festival, Bulgaria 1985
1 st Prize from the International Animated Film Festival Cinanima in Espinho [2] , Portugal 1985
Best animated film Bilbao Short Film Festival, Spain 1985
Breakfast On The Grass (Eine murul, 1987)
Grand Prix from the XVIII Tampere Short Film Festival , Finland 1988
Grand Prix, best film in category C and critics prize from VIII Animated Film Festival in Zagreb, Croatia 1988
3 rd Audience Prize from Short Film Festival in Bonn, Germany 1988
1 st Prize in category C from 1 st Animated Film Festival in Shanghai, 1988
Grand Prix from the International Animated Film Festival Cinanima in Espinho [3] , Portugal 1988
1 st Prize from the XXI USSR Film Festival in Baku, 1988
Best Animated Film Award from Melbourne Film Festival, Australia 1988
3 rd Prize from VIII Odense Film Festival, Denmark 1989
Nika - the highest prize of the USSR film industry 1989
Commercial spot: Switch Off The Lights (Kustuta valgus, 1988)
Bronze Lion 35 th Cannes International Advertising Festival, France 1988
Hotel E (1992)
Prize of Land Baden-Württemberg from International Festival of Animated Film in Stuttgart [4] , Germany 1992
1895 (1995) [5] (co-director Janno Põldma [6] )
3 rd Prize, awarded by festival's youth jury from 11 th International Odense Film Festival 1995 (Denmark)
The Prize of Russian ASIFA from 3 rd International Animated Film Festival Krok 95, Ukraine 1995
The Russian Critics' Prize from 3 rd International Animated Film Festival Krok 95, Ukraine 1995
Prize in Class C, awarded by International Jury from 19 th International Animated Film Festival of Espinho Cinanima [7] , Portugal 1995
The Estonian Film Critics (FIPRESCI) Prize for the best film of the year 1995
Estonian Cultural Endowment's annual Johannes Pääsuke Award 1995
The Republic of Estonia's State Cultural Award for the film 1895 in the year 1995
The Festival Jury Special Prize from Balticum Film TV Festival [8] in Bornholm, Denmark 1996
Best Film Award from Oslo Animation Festival [9] , Norway 1996
Grand Prix from 12 th World Festival of Animated Films in Zagreb, Croatia 1996
The Critics' Award given by the Jury of the Association of Croatian Film Critics, Croatia 1996
Magic Chrystal Prize 6 th International Film Forum Arsenals in Riga, Latvia 1996
Best Design Award from Ottawa International Animation Festival [10] , Canada 1996
Grand Prix from Pärnu Film Days, Estonia 1997
Prize for Outstanding Film in General Category from '97 Seoul Animation Expo, South-Korea 1997
Commercial spot: Deliss (1995)
Commercial spot: Absolut Pärn (1996)
Diploma from International Animated Film Festival Krok 97, Ukraine 1997
Diploma from Holland Animated Film Festival [11] in Utrecht, the Netherlands 1996
Free Action (1996)
Night Of The Carrots (Porgandite öö, 1998) [12]
Grand Prix from Ottawa International Animation Festival [13] , Canada 1998
Special Jury Prize from Oslo Animation Festival [14] , Norway 1999
2 nd Prize Silver Dove from 42 nd International Leipzig Festival of Documentary and Animated Film, Germany 1999
1 st Prize from World Animation Celebration Competition, Los Angeles, USA 2000
Karl And Marilyn (Karl ja Marilyn, 2003) [15]
Best International Film at FAN International Animation Festival,UK 2003
Special Jury Award from 16th World Festival of Animated Films in Zagreb, Croatia2004
Frank And Wendy (Frank ja Wendy, 2003-2005) [16] (co-authors: P.Tender, Ü.Pikkov, K.Jancis / joonisfilm 7 x 9,5 min)
Estonian Cultural Endowment's Prize for the best Animated Film Frank ja Wendy in the year 2005
Newspaper Eesti Ekspress cultural extra Prize of the year 2005
Audience best animated film prize from film festival de Cinema Video in Portugal, 2006
I Feel Back Of My Head (Ma kuklas tunnen 2007) (co-director O.Marchenko / 2 min / 35 mm / short story from animated film Black Ceiling)