
布魯諾·伯茨多(Bruno Bozzetto)是意大利著名的鬼才動畫家,1938年出生在意大利米蘭。第一部動畫長片是1965年的《牛仔與蘇達》(West and Soda)。該片是自1949年Nino Pagot的《火藥兄弟》(I Fratelli Dinamite)和Anton Gino Domeneghini的《巴哥達的玫瑰》(La Rosa di Bagdad)以來意大利第一部動畫長片。
三年後他的第二部動畫長片《威普:我的超人兄弟》(VIP: Mio Fratello Superiuomo, 1968)誕生了。同是改編自漫畫的超人故事,在他的影片中有兩個超人形象:一個就是我們再熟悉不過的正義的捍衛者——Supervip,他擁有我們所能想象到的一切威力與英俊的外表。另一個是他的兄弟——Minivip,一個帶著近視眼鏡,身材矮小、不受女人喜歡的“迷你超人”。但正是這個貌不驚人的“迷你超人”拯救了世界,而那個“正義超人”卻只會與女人簽名,合影留念。
1976年,伯茨多導演了他事業的“巅峰之作”——《新幻想曲》。可能是把所有的精力與智慧都投入到了《新幻想曲》的創作中,以至於從那之後伯茨多在動畫長片創作領域就停滯不前了(只導演了三部“羅西先生”動畫系列長片)。好在伯茨多並沒有停止動畫短片的創作。1995年他應William Hanna和Joseph Barbera之邀為該公司的“神奇的卡通!”(What a Cartoon!)動畫系列片制作了七分鐘的樣片《救命?》(Help?)。1996年他開始制作26集動畫系列片《意大利面條之家》(Spaghetti Familly,每集26分鐘)。Bruno Bozzetto不斷觸摸高新技術的脈搏,1999年61歲的他開始涉足FLASH動畫制作。《歐洲與意大利》(Europe Italy)、《奧林匹克》(OLYMPICS)、《是/否》(YES/NO)以及12集網絡動畫片《托尼和瑪利亞》(Tony and Maria)以極其簡單的造型闡述了非常有趣的主題。
通攬Bruno Bozzetto的作品,有一點足以證明其大師風范:每部影片的美術風格都截然不同。如果不告訴你的話,你很難相信這些迥然不同的動畫片竟然是出自一個人之手。這對於一個馳騁動畫界50多年的職業動畫師來說非常不易。畢竟每個人都有自己喜歡與熟悉的影像風格,特別是當你功成名就後,很難再突破觀眾所熟悉與認可的美術風格。而伯茨多做到了,他是當之無愧的動畫電影大師。
Baby Story
The facts of life are presented in a parody of the reproductive processes from conception to birth.
The delightful story of a little boy named Sigmund who gets in the Olympic spirit while watching.
In the natural course of earth's evolution, five or a thousand years represent just a handful of seconds. What is mankind's role in this infinite stage?
The encounter of a live stripper and an audience of little animated lusty men tears the theater down with laughs!
Self Service
Bozzetto buzzes in with biting observation on human behavior and exploitation as mosquitoes launch an epic attack on a sleeping man.
A Life In A Tin
Compressing the entire life cycle into just six minutes, Bozzetto philosophizes about 20th-century man, who is so caught up in the business of life that he forgets life's meaning.
Big Bang
Bruno Bozzetto's humorous but worrisome solution to the garbage disposal problem.
Optimism and a positive attitude can overcome even the greatest of life's adversities. Our protagonist uses this unfailing combination to combat mankind's mostinexorable and terrible enemy...
A small beetle worms his way into the home and heart of a woman whose marriage is on the rocks. They manage to resolve their predicament with the help ofmagical intervention.
Mister Tao
Serene Mr. Tao, the embodiment of man's never-ending search for meaning in the universe, travels on his singular path to enlightenment
Stripy / animación 2D / Dir: Guido Manuli, 1990 / Guión: Bruno bozzetto Guido Manuli /
13 cap. x 6 min. / Societa' Svizzera di Radiotelevisione (SRR - SRG) Bruno Bozzetto Film / Sin dialogos.
Stripy s01e02.avi
Tamaño....: 69.5 MB (or 71,208 KB or 72,917,638 bytes)
------------------ Video ------------------
Codec.....: DivX 5.0
Duración..: 00:06:16 (9,397 fr)
Resolución: 368x272 (1.35:1) [=23:17]
Bitrate...: 1418 kb/s
FPS.......: 25.000
------------------ Audio ------------------
Codec.....: 0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3
Bitrate...: 128 kb/s, monophonic CBR
Short - Incubus (Guido Manuli, 1985).avi
Tamaño....: 46.5 MB (or 47,700 KB or 48,845,758 bytes)
------------------ Video ------------------
Codec.....: DivX 5.0
Duración..: 00:05:43 (10,271 fr)
Resolución: 640x480 (1.33:1) [=4:3]
Bitrate...: 1068 kb/s
FPS.......: 29.971
------------------ Audio ------------------
Codec.....: 0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3
Bitrate...: 64 kb/s, monophonic CBR
This article is about the Italian animator. For the architectural or sculptural model sometimes known as a bozzetto, see Maquette .
Bruno Bozzetto (born 3 March 1938 in Milan , Italy ) is an Italian cartoon animator, creator of many short pieces, mainly of a political or satirical nature. He created his first animated short Tapum! the weapons' story in 1958 at the age of 20. His most famous character, a hapless little man named Signor Rossi (Mr. Rossi), has been featured in many animated shorts as well as starring in three feature films: Mr. Rossi Looks for Happiness (1976), Mr. Rossi's Dreams (1977), and Mr. Rossi's Vacation (1977).
In 1965, Bozzetto produced his first feature-length animated film: West and soda , a parody of American Western films. In 1968, Bozzetto released VIP my Brother Superman , a superhero spin-off. However, his best-known work is probably the 1976 feature film Allegro non troppo , a montage of short pieces set to classical music in the manner of Disney's Fantasia , but more humorous in nature, economical in execution and with more sophisticated narrative themes. After a long break, Bozzetto produced a live-action film in 1987, Under the Chinese Restaurant , his last feature film work until assisting on the pilot for Mammuk (2002), an animated film set in prehistoric times (now being produced by Rai Cinema and The Animation Band ).
1990 saw the release of Grasshoppers (Cavallette) , which was a nominee for the Best Animated Short Oscar.
In 1995, he produced an animated short for Hanna Barbera's What A Cartoon series entitled Help? and in 1996, in cooperation with RAI and with the support of Cartoon (Media Programme of the European Union), he created The Spaghetti Family a 26-episode cartoon television series.
In recent years Bozzetto has turned his hand to flash cartoons , most notably with the award-winning Europe and Italy , a witty and graphically elegant commentary on European vs. Italian sociocultural attributes.
(2003) Bergamo International Cinema Festival: Career award (Premio delle mura)
(2001) Tehran Second International Animation Festival: Special Award of the Jury (“Europe and Italy”)
(2000) Zagreb Film Festival: Special Jury Award for original observation of human diversity
(1998) Zagreb 13th World Festival of Animated Films: Life Achievement Award for outstanding and universal contribution to the development of the art of animation