中文名: 失落的一角遇見大圓滿英文名: The Missing Piece Meets the Big O資源格式: 壓縮包版本: (全本)網絡搜集發行時間: 1981年地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:

【名稱】The Missing Piece Meets the BIG O
【出版】Harpercollins Childrens Books
【作者】Shel Silverstein
失落的一角遇見大圓滿 愛情的態度
漫畫中的Missing Piece正是一直在不懈的尋覓著跟自己互補的那另外一塊。結果是,有的太大,有的太小,有的太貪多,有的根本就不合適。直到一天,Missing Piece終於碰到了那個跟自己完全Match的一塊,她以為這樣一來他們就能夠“永遠幸福的生活在一起”了。
但是她沒料想到的是,每個人都是在變化的。當初不論如何的門當戶對,隨著時間的流逝,如果一方在變化,而另一方沒有,那麼這種完美的Match就必將會被破壞。於是,終於有一天,Missing Piece發現自己已經變大沒法再跟她的另一半融合了,於是他們的結果只有分手。
很偶然的一天,Missing Piece碰到了一個Big O。這個家伙兒很奇怪,因為他的身上哪兒都沒少。他們開始聊天。Missing Piece問他,你需要我什麼地方嗎?但是Big O說,我不需要你。Missing Piece說,我喜歡你,我們應該是一塊完整的才對。但是Big O說,可我並不缺少哪一塊兒啊。Missing Piece很傷心,因為她以為她能跟他一起往前滾動的。Big O說,你為什麼不自己試著往前滾動呢?Missing Piece沒想到她自己一個人也能滾,但是她在Big O的鼓勵下慢慢兒的艱難的往前滾起來。終於有一天,當她的稜角也被磨平以後,她也跟Big O一樣成為完整的一個圓。於是他們一起幸福的往前滾動。
--Beautiful, poetic, and philosophical…You will be amazed: how did the writer say so much with so few words! Actually, this is a cartoon book, but it’s a pity I can't put down any picture here. Here are only the words. How would your mind draw the pictures?
The Missing Piece Meets the Big O (by Shel Silverstein)
The missing piece sat alone…
Waiting for someone to come along and take it somewhere.
Some fit…but could not roll.
Others could roll, but did not fit.
One didn’t know a thing about fitting.
And another didn’t know a thing about anything.
One was too delicate. (Pop!)
One put it on a pedestal…and let it there.
Some had too many pieces missing.
Some had too many pieces, period.
It learned to hide from the hungry ones.
More came.
Some looked too closely.
Others rolled right by without noticing.
It tried to make itself more attractive…
It didn’t help.
It tried being flashy,
but that just frightened away the shy ones.
At last, one came along that fit just right.
(They rolled along happily, for a while.)
But all of a sudden…
the missing piece began to grow!
And grow!
“I didn’t know you were going to grow.”
“I didn’t know it either,” said the missing piece.
“I’m looking for my missing piece, one that won’t increase.” (It leaves)
And then one day, one came along who looked different.
“What do you want of me?” asked the missing piece.
“What do you need from me?”
“Who are you?” asked the missing piece.
“I’m the big O,” said the big O.
“I think you are the one I’ve been waiting for,” said the missing piece. “Maybe I am your missing piece.”
“But I am not missing a piece,” said the big O. “There is no place you would fit.”
“That’s too bad,” said the missing piece. “ I was hoping that perhaps I could roll with you…”
謝爾·希爾弗斯坦,Sheldon Alan Silverstein,詩人、插畫家、劇作家、作曲家、鄉村歌手。作為20世紀最偉大的繪本作家之一,他的繪本作品被翻譯成30多種語言,全球銷量超過1.8億冊。1974年《愛心樹》的出版轟動文壇,一舉奠定了謝爾在當代美國文學界的地位。在此後幾十年,該書暢銷不衰,累計銷量超過550萬。其他脍炙人口的作品還有:《失落的一角》、《失落的一角遇見大圓滿》、《閣樓上的光》、《人行道的盡頭》、《往上跌了一跤》等。
其中《閣樓上的光》更是創記錄地連續182周位居《紐約時報》排行榜。 他的繪本作品幽默溫馨;簡單樸實的插圖、淺顯的文字、淡淡的人生諷刺與生活哲學,不只吸引兒童,更擄獲了大人們的心。
他為電影《明信片的邊緣》(Postcards from the edge)所作的歌曲I'm Checking Out獲得1991年第63屆奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲獎提名;《人行道的盡頭》同名唱片還獲得1984年格萊美獎。