
出版商:驚奇漫畫(Marvel Comics)
新復仇者是一部驚奇漫畫公司的系列漫畫。由布萊恩·邁克爾·本迪斯撰稿,作者延續了《復仇者解散》的故事線。該系列描寫了一群英雄集合組成了一個新的復仇者戰隊,也就是經常提到的新系列——“新復仇者” 。
《新復仇者》於2004年11月發行,由布萊恩·本迪斯撰稿,大衛·芬奇繪制。 由於復仇者們已解散,而神奇四俠和X戰警無法行動,反派電陀螺關閉了神盾的“筏[注1]”的設備,開始進行大規模越獄行動。神盾特工傑西卡·德魯(蜘蛛女)、馬特·默多克(夜魔俠)以及盧克·凱奇早已守候在此,美國隊長、蜘蛛俠和鋼鐵人隨後趕到並加入了他們,而看似有些瘋狂的哨兵也參與幫助了他們。騷亂平息了,但仍有42名罪犯脫逃。美國隊長肯定這是命運將他們安排在了一起,正如前復仇者也是命運的安排一樣。除了夜魔俠,其他人都同意了重組復仇者的建議。而X戰警的成員金剛狼也加入了戰隊,踏上了這荒蠻大陸[注2]的旅程。
1. 驚奇漫畫中,神盾組織管理的一個專門關押超級罪犯的監獄系統。
2. 荒蠻大陸:驚奇漫畫宇宙中隱匿的史前大陸,它是一個隱匿於南極洲的炎熱地帶,首次於《X戰警 #10》被創造。(摘自維基百科)
引用Status: (x) Current ( ) Finished ( ) Cancelled
Schedule: ( ) Weekly (x) Monthly ( ) Bi-Monthly ( ) Other
Format: ( ) Crossover Event (x) Ongoing Series ( ) Mini-Series ( ) One-Shot
Publication: 2005-Present
New Avengers is a comic book series published by Marvel Comics. Written by Brian Michael Bendis, the writer behind the Avengers Disassembled storyline, the series depicts a group of superheroes that form a new team of Avengers, regularly referred to in the series as the New Avengers , and following 2006, The New New Avengers'.
With the Avengers team disbanded, and the Fantastic Four and the X-Men unable to act, supervillain Electro shut down the S.H.I.E.L.D Raft installation, a maximum-maximum security prison for super-powered criminals. S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman), Matt Murdock (Daredevil) and Luke Cage, already at the Raft, were joined by Captain America, Spider-Man and Iron Man, as well as helped by a seemingly insane Sentry. The riot was quelled, although some forty-two inmates escaped. Captain America decided that fate had brought this group together, just as it had the original Avengers. All but Daredevil accepted the offer to reform the Avengers as a result. X-Men member Wolverine joined the team following a trip to the Savage Land.
Iron Man sought approval from such pillars of the superhero community as Professor Charles Xavier, Doctor Strange and Mister Fantastic and headquartered the new team in Stark Tower.
The team's ongoing mission is to capture the remaining super-powered criminals who escaped during the riot that brought them together. The emergence of the Young Avengers is also a matter of concern and the team find themselves divided in what actions they should take. Also, there is the growing sense of unease with S.H.I.E.L.D. after the disappearance of Nick Fury. The new team was not well received and certain governmental bodies, unsure of the New Avengers, sent the Thunderbolts to remind them of their place.
The current New Avengers team includes Echo,a new Hawkeye (as Ronin), Doctor Strange, Wolverine, Spider-Woman, Spider-Man, Iron Fist with Luke Cage as the leader of the team. They are assisted in their efforts by Wong, Night Nurse and Young Avengers Hawkeye and Patriot. Writer Brian Michael Bendis has said that these characters are Avengers because Captain America said they were;[2] this statement is later repeated when the New Avengers, believing that Captain America is alive, decide to rescue him. Spider-Man claims that if they get Captain America back, they can call themselves Avengers again; Luke Cage contends that they are Avengers already.