中文名: 終極蜘蛛俠英文名: Ultimate Spider-Man資源格式: 壓縮包版本: [全][漫畫]Marvel公司英文全彩版發行時間: 2000年地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:

出版商:驚奇漫畫(Marvel Comics)
比起浩如煙海的正傳,《終極蜘蛛俠》完全沒有拘泥於正傳的框架之中,而是以一個全新的方式演繹了像毒液誕生、新克隆傳說等這樣一個個精彩的篇章。而後終極系列也推出了一個大事件,即幾乎所有終極系列人物都參與其中的龐大故事--- Ultimatum(意為“最後通牒”)。故事是這樣的,終極戰隊成員間接造成了隊友快銀和紅巫女的死。而他們的父親萬磁王立誓要為自己一對兒女報仇雪恨。於是他便啟動了蓄謀已久的“審判日”計劃。
災難依然在繼續。身在紐約的蜘蛛俠奮力去救死扶傷,卻碰上了情緒極不穩定的綠巨人。此時突然有一群怪物從異界湧出。蜘蛛俠女友Mary Jane和其前女友—X戰警成員影子貓凱蒂在廢墟中找到了他的......。蜘蛛俠Peter Park就此..….
這最後的第133期非常的特別,全書沒有一句對話部分。Peter Park就這麼悄無聲息的…..
整個“最後通牒”故事完結後,將會推出名為“安魂曲”(Requiem)系列特刊,交代災難過後的收尾劇情。之後所有終極系列漫畫的標題將由原來的“終極”改為“終極漫畫”,重新出版。劇情跳到多年以後。(摘自:E娛樂 作者:魔賤 為維護讀者興趣,故意略去部分內容)
Ultimate Spider-Man is a superhero comic book series published by Marvel Comics. The series is a modernized re-imagining of Marvel's long-running Spider-Man comic book franchise as part of its Ultimate Marvel imprint. Ultimate Spider-Man exists alongside other revamped Marvel characters in Ultimate Marvel titles including Ultimate X-Men, Ultimate Fantastic Four, and The Ultimates.
The protagonist of Ultimate Spider-Man is Peter Parker, a science whiz teenager who lives in Queens, New York. He is bitten by a genetically altered spider and inherits its powers, including enhanced strength, agility and reflexes. When an armed thief, whom Peter had a chance to stop earlier but didn't, kills his uncle Ben, he feels guilty and dedicates his life to fighting crime as the costumed vigilante Spider-Man. Peter tries to balance school, a job, a girlfriend, his family life with his widowed aunt May, and his activities as Spider-Man.
Ultimate Spider-Man first saw print in 2000 under veteran Spider-Man artist Mark Bagley and writer Brian Michael Bendis, who expanded the original 11-page origin story into a 180-page, seven issue story arc. This duo continued to collaborate until issue #111, when Mark Bagley left the book and was replaced by Stuart Immonen. Bendis and Bagley's run on Ultimate Spider-Man set the record for longest continual run on a Marvel Comics series by two people, an honor previously held by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby on Fantastic Four.