

 動漫電驢下載基地 >> 漫畫 >> 《歪小子斯科特》(Scott Pilgrim)[06卷完結][漫畫]英文版[壓縮包]
"《歪小子斯科特》(Scott Pilgrim)[06卷完結][漫畫]英文版[壓縮包]"Anime介紹:
中文名: 歪小子斯科特 英文名: Scott Pilgrim 資源格式: 壓縮包 版本: [06卷完結][漫畫]英文版 發行時間: 2004年 地區:  美國 語言:  英文 簡介

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■漫畫名: Scott Pilgrim
■作者名: Bryan Lee O'Malley
■出版社名: Oni Press
■發行日期: 2004-2010
■文字: 英文
■分辨率: 1280x1913
■ISBN: 9781934964385


電影Scott Pilgrim vs. the World的漫畫原版。由Bryan Lee O'Malley於2004年起開始創作,2010年7月推出最後一本。



引用 Scott Pilgrim is 23 years old, lives in a cold, unnamed Canadian town, plays bass in a band called Sex Bob-Omb and has a very cute 17-year-old Chinese-Canadian girlfriend, Knives Chau. His "precious little life" is amiably unstructured, and he drifts, happily unemployed, between band practice and time spent with Knives. His relationship with Knives is chaste—walks, chats and hugs—although Knives is getting bigger ideas. "We haven't even held hands," Scott explains. "It's just nice, you know." But then he starts having dreams about Ramona Flowers, a mysterious, equally cute and perfectly legal hipster chick on Rollerblades who delivers books for Amazon.com. Ramona is anything but simple, and O'Malley's tale of adorable slackers in love is transformed into a wildly magically manga–kung fu fantasy adventure. We meet the first of Ramona's seven evil ex-boyfriends, Matthew Patel, who challenges Scott and his band to a supernatural martial arts duel right out of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. O'Malley has crafted a delightfully hybrid comics love story. It's an alt-lit, rock 'n' roll graphic novel with wonderful manga-influenced drawing and a comically mystical plot that manages to capture both the genuine intimacies and serial dishonesties of young love.






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