
【原 片 名】The Smurfs
【出品公司】Hanna-Barbera Studios (翰納-芭芭拉工作室)
【格式】XviD + mp3
【尺寸】512 x 384

《藍精靈》最早源於比利時,1958年,化名皮約(Peyo)的比利時漫畫家皮埃爾•庫利福德創造了“藍精靈 這個藝術形象。一推出後便大受歡迎,50年代末,在比利時電視台被動畫化播出。這就是“藍精靈 的最初源頭。至於“法國 因素是很容易解釋的,比利時與法國歷史上就有著深厚的人文與地緣聯系,比利時將法語作為其官方語言之一,所以法國出版藍精靈DVD就不足為奇了,至於說當年廣東版片頭字幕出現了“皮約(法國) ,個人以為,當時中國改革開放不久,對外界了解較少,出現這樣的錯誤也屬正常,這幾年對懷舊譯制動畫的研究表明,當年譯制的動畫作品存在著大量的錯誤,但放在那個特定的歷史環境下去觀察,是可以理解的。
不過,關於“藍精靈 的國籍之爭,並未結束,而是剛剛開始。隨著研究的深入,又出現了許多新的問題,仍以廣東台45集網絡版本為例,每一集的開始居然都是英文片名,這讓原本就持續不斷的“美國造 聲音再度高漲,但是,眾周所知,由於當年特殊的歷史背景,我國引進的一些譯制動畫片,確有通過其它第三地而非原產國“碾轉 來到中國的,最經典的例子莫過於《巴巴爸爸》,這部源於法國的片子,長期以來被中國人誤以為是“聯邦德國 的原裝貨,後來才知道,只不過中央台引進的是聯邦德國版而已。此類例子還包括我國從英國引進但實際是美國造的《華斯比歷險記》,按照這個解釋,那麼我們當年看到的廣東譯制配音版《藍精靈》雖然是於比利時拍的,但很可能引進的是美國版本,這樣每集開頭的英文字幕也就好解釋了,但事實果真如此嗎?

隨著“貓和老鼠 的兩位創始人William Hanna(威廉•漢納)、Joseph Barbera(約瑟夫•巴貝拉)相繼離世,關於這兩位傳奇動畫大師以及由他們一手創建的Hanna-Barbera動畫公司也越來越為中國人民所熟知。於是在一長串Hanna-Barbera公司打造的經典之作中,我們看到了一個熟悉的名字《藍精靈》!!不會吧??出品《貓和老鼠》的Hanna-Barbera公司居然也是《藍精靈》的出品公司嗎?但當看到以下兩個畫面時,我想,已經沒有什麼懸念了,事實勝於雄辯。

那麼,源於比利時的“藍精靈 又是怎麼飄揚過海,跨過茫茫大西洋,來到了美利堅呢?原來,上世紀80年代初,美國Hanna-Barbera公司看中了這部作品,向比利時購買了相關版權,開始在美國本土制作美版《藍精靈》動畫片,據說Hanna-Barbera公司甚至啟用了大批比利時的原班人馬,另外,在比利時版藍精靈動畫片中不曾露面的“藍妹妹 也開始大放異彩,成為美版藍精靈中一個相當搶眼的角色。1981年《藍精靈》動畫片登陸美國NBC電視台後引發收視熱潮,從1981年起播出差不多十年,共計400余集,贏得過2個艾美獎,在收視上和美國本土英雄《變形金剛》平起平坐,到1990年一直占據著周六早晨的收視頭牌。足見該片在美國的影響力。
1983年,美國還從比利時引進了拍攝於1976年的比利時版《藍精靈》電影,加上英文配音之後以《藍精靈與魔笛》(TheSmurfsandtheMagicFlute)的名字重新上映,居然獲得了1100萬美元的高票房。另插一句,據報道,美國派拉蒙公司已經從《藍精靈》之父Peyo後人手中獲得了《藍精靈》的電影改編權,著手制作成三部曲。明年,也就是“藍精靈 誕生50周年之際,曾於上世紀風靡全球的電視動畫片《藍精靈》將被以3D電腦動畫長片的形式登上大銀幕。由此也可見美國與比利時關於“藍精靈 的不解之緣了。
其實,關於國籍之爭,誤導大家的因素還有很多。如藍精靈的英文名SMURFS,也是一個曾經誤導大家良久的因素。因為從發音上來看,這個詞確實太不像英語單詞了,到是很有些歐洲味道,實際上,SMURFS確實是一個臆造詞,因為藍精靈身高只有三個蘋果那麼高,身材矮小,又住在蘑菇房子裡,所以制作方從 “small (小)、“dwarf (矮人)和“mushroom (蘑菇)三個詞中提取揉合,便形成了“SMURFS 這一單詞,而引入中國時,我國的譯制人員依據它們的深藍膚色,譯成了“藍精靈 ,個人以為實在是太經典了!!!

最後一個原因,可能也對大家產生過誤解。一部在美國家喻戶曉的片子,一部長達400余集的熱門劇集,在當下懷舊動畫之風盛行的背景下,美國作為原產地,居然沒有出過像樣的DVD,我們反復查過美國的各類相關網站及商店,除了從國外“進口 到美國的DVD外,美國本土甚至連錄像帶制品都鮮有露面。相反,倒是“牆內開花牆外香 ,無論是在法國、德國,還是在大洋洲,近些年來都有大量的藍精靈DVD推出,特別是在歐洲大陸,這一情況十分普遍,也許是這個原因,使得藍精靈“美國造 的論調一度衰落,呵呵。不過,這一兩年,隨著我們從國外購買原版DVD的增多,我們也發現,其實原產地的動畫片在本國遲遲不出,而在他國大量出版的情況十分常見,如日本的《瑪亞歷險記》、美國的《布雷斯塔警長》在歐洲大量出版,而這兩部片子的正式DVD版本卻在本國沒有蹤影,即是明證。因此,我們有理由相信,這樣一部美國動畫史上的經典佳作,也一定會像如今按部就班,分批推出的1987版《忍者神龜》一樣,橫空出世的,讓我們拭目以待吧。
當年電視台播放的《藍精靈》是45集,而美國播放的《藍精靈》第一季是39集,按照我們國家引進動畫習慣,對於集數眾多的動畫片通常只引進最靠前的部分(而且劇集排列一般都是混亂的),而根據我對中文目錄和英文目錄的對照發現,當年廣東台引進的《藍精靈》是美版第一季的全部和第二季的一部分,國語版本的《藍精靈》前26集就是美國第一季的全部內容,而第27集是一個藍精靈故事的特別版,叫The Smurfs'' Springtime Special(第一季第40集),從第28集開始便進入了第2季的故事了。說到這裡有疑問了,國語的26集怎麼會是美國版的39集呢?怎麼算也是沒法把這兩個數字劃等號啊。原因是這樣的,藍精靈是一部特殊的動畫片,根據故事情節的不同片長分為8分鐘左右、12分鐘左右和20分鐘左右,而當年播放的藍精靈為了播放的時間長度一致,每集都控制在20分鐘左右,所以你看藍精靈的時候會發現,有些集是講的一個故事,而有些集講的卻是兩個故事。
001.The Astrosmurf (1981) [1x01] 第04集 宇航員夢夢
002.Jokey's Medicine (1981) [1x02] 第03集B 樂樂的藥
003.Vanity Fare (1981) [1x03] 第02集A 藍妹妹
004.St. Smurf And The Dragon (1981) [1x04] 第05集 藍精靈斗龍
005.The Magical Meanie (1981) [1x05] 第20集 放大混合劑
006.Sorcerer Smurf (1981) [1x06] 第06集 藍魔術師
007.Bewitched, Bothered, And Besmurfed (1981) [1x07] 第08集 嘉嘉女巫的項鏈心
008.King Smurf (1981) [1x08] 第03集A 精靈王
009.The Smurfs And The Howlibird (1981) [1x09] 第07集 藍精靈和號鳥
010.Soup A La Smurf (1981) [1x10] 第10集 藍精靈湯
011.All That Glitters Isn't Smurf [1x11] (1981)
012.Dreamy's Nightmare (1981) [1x12] 第09集B 夢夢的惡夢
013.Romeo And Smurfette (1981) [1x13] 第12集 春天的禮物
014.The Magic Egg (1981) [1x14] 第14集 魔蛋
015.Smurphony In 'C' (1981) [1x15]
016.Sideshow Smurf (1981) [1x16] 第19集 雜耍藍精靈
017.Supersmurf (1981) [1x17]
018.Paradise Smurfed (1981) [1x18] 第25集 惰惰的天堂夢
019.Sir Hefty (1981) [1x19] 第17集 健健騎士
020.The Baby Smurf (1981) [1x20]
021.The Fake Smurf (1981) [1x21] 第16集 假藍精靈
022.Painter And Poet (1981) [1x22] 第21集 詩詩和畫畫
023.Haunted Smurf (1981) [1x23] 第18集 紫精靈
024.The Purple Smurfs (1981) [1x24]
025.The Fountain Of Smurf (1981) [1x25] 第26集 青春泉
026.The Magnifying Mixture (1981) [1x26]
027.Foul Weather Smurf (1981) [1x27]
028.The Hundredth Smurf (1981) [1x28] 第13集 第一百個藍精靈
029.The Adominable Snowbeast (1981) [1x29]
030.Gargamel The Generous (1981) [1x30] 第23集 好心的格格巫
031.The Smurfette (1981)
032.Now You Smurf 'Em, Now You Don't (1981)
033.Spelunking Smurfs (1981) 第22集 藍精靈斗旱災
034.The Smurf's Apprentice (1981) 第01集A 笨學徒
035.Smurf-Colored Glasses (1981) 第09集A 有色眼鏡
036.The Clockwork Smurf (1981) 第24集 機械藍精靈
037.Fuzzle Trouble (1981) 第11集 絨絨出亂子
038.Smurfette's Dancing Shoes (1981) 第15集 藍妹妹的舞鞋
039.The Smurfs And The Money Tree (1981)
040.The Smurfs' Springtime Special (1982) 第27集 春天的復活
041.The Smurf Who Couldn't Say No (1982)
042.The Adventures Of Robin Smurf (1982)
043.The Cursed Country (1982)
044.S-Shivering S-Smurfs (1982)
045.Sister Smurf (1982)
046.The Black Hellebore (1982)
047.Revenge Of The Smurfs (1982)
048.The Three Smurfketeers (1982)
049.Heavenly Smurfs (1982)
050.It Came From Outer Smurf (1982)
051.The Sorcery Of Maltrochu (1982)
052.Squeaky (1982)
053.The Kaplowey Scroll (1982)
054.The Goblin Of Boulder Wood (1982)
055.Gormandizing Greedy (1982)
056.Waste Not, Smurf Not (1982)
057.Johan's Army (1982)
058.The Lost City Of Yore (1982)
059.The Magic Fountain (1982)
060.The Impostor King (1982)
061.For The Love Of Gargamel (1982)
062.The A-Maze-Ing Smurfs (1982)
063.The Haunted Castle (1982)
064.Smurfs At Sea (1982)
065.One Good Smurf Deserves Another (1982)
066.The Blue Plague (1982)
067.The Last Laugh (1982)
068.The Raven Wizard (1982)
069.The Ring Of Castellac (1982)
070.The Sky Is Smurfing, The Sky Is Smurfing (1982)
071.Turncoat Smurf (1982)
072.The Return Of Clockwork Smurf (1982)
073.The Littlest Giant (1982)
074.Bubble Bubble, Smurf In Trouble (1982)
075.Smurf Van Winkle (1982)
076.The Prince And The Peewit (1982)
077.The Enchanted Baby (1982)
078.Clumsy Smurfs The Future (1982)
079.Sleepwalking Smurfs (1982)
080.Smurf Me No Flowers (1982)
081.The Good, The Bad And The Smurfy (1982) 第28集 好人,壞人和藍精靈
082.A Mere Truffle (1982)
083.The Stuff Dreams Are Smurfed Of (1982)
084.The Box Of Dirty Tricks (1982)
085.Papa's Wedding Day (1982)
086.All's Smurf That Ends Smurfy (1982)
087.The Smurfs' Christmas Special (1982)
088.My Smurfy Valentine (1983)
089.Once In A Blue Moon (1983) [3x01]
090.All Creatures Great And Smurf (1983) [3x02]
091.The Smurf Fire Brigade (1983) [3x03]
092.The Winged Wizard (1983) [3x04]
093.Every Picture Smurfs A Story (1983)
094.The First Telesmurf (1983) [3x06]
095.Handy's Kite (1983) [3x07]
096.The Magic Earrings (1983) [3x08]
097.The Last Smurfberry (1983) [3x09]
098.A Little Smurf Confidence (1983) [3x10]
099.Hogatha's Heart Throb (1983) [3x11]
100.Born Rotten (1983) [3x12]
101.The Tear Of A Smurf (1983) [3x13]
102.The Miracle Smurfer (1983) [3x14]
103.The Smurf Who Would Be King (1983) [3x15]
104.How To Smurf A Rainbow (1983) [3x16]
105.Smurfette For A Day (1983) [3x17]
106.Peewit Meets Bigmouth (1983) [3x18]
107.Lumbering Smurfs (1983) [3x19]
108.Handy's Sweetheart (1983) [3x20]
109.Speak For Yourself, Farmer Smurf (1983) [3x21]
110.A Hovel Is Not A Home (1983) [3x22]
111.Forget-Me-Smurfs (1983) [3x23]
112.The Grumpy Gremlin (1983) [3x24]
113.Clumsy Luck (1983) [3x25]
114.Willpower Smurfs (1983) [3x26]
115.Baby Smurf Is Missing (1983) [3x27]
116.The Smurfs' Time Capsule (1983) [3x28]
117.Wedding Bells For Gargamel (1983) [3x29]
118.To Smurf A Thief (1983) [3x30]
119.Greedy And The Porridge Pot (1983) [3x31]
120.Harmony Steals The Show (1983) [3x32]
121.The Golden Smurf Award (1983) [3x33]
122.The Moor's Baby (1983) [3x34]
123.Hefty's Heart (1983) [3x35]
124.A Hug For Grouchy (1983) [3x36]
125.The Magic Rattle (1983) [3x37]
126.All Hallows' Eve (1983) [3x38]
127.The Littlest Witch (1983) [3x39]
128.April Smurf's Day (1983) [3x40]
129.The Magic Stick (1983) [3x41]
130.Baby's First Christmas (1983) [3x42]
131.Beauty Is Only Smurf Deep (1983) [3x43]
132.Wolf In Peewit's Clothing (1983) [3x44]
133.A Bell For Azrael (1983) [3x45]
134.The Chief Recordsmurf (1983) [3x46]
135.Smurfing In Sign Language (1983) [3x47]
136.A Chip Off The Old Smurf (1983) [3x48]
137.A Gift For Papa's Day (1983) [3x49]
138.Good Neighbor Smurf (1983) [3x50]
139.The Smurfstone Quest (1983) [3x51]
140.Hats Off To Smurfs (1983) [3x52]
141.The Noble Stag (1983) [3x53]
142.Smurfy Acres (1983) [3x54]
143.No Times For Smurfs (1983) [3x55]
144.Smurfily Ever After (1984) [3x56]
145.The Smurfic Games (1984) [3x57]
146.Symbols Of Wisdom (1984)
147.Blue Eyes Returns (1984)
148.The Secret Of The Village Well (1984)
149.Stop And Smurf The Roses (1984)
150.The Gingerbread Smurfs (1984)
151.Jokey's Shadow (1984)
152.Jokey's Funny Bone (1984)
153.Tick Tock Smurfs (1984)
154.The Master Smurf (1984)
155.Tailor's Magic Needle (1984)
156.The Traveler (1984)
157.A Pet For Baby Smurf (1984)
158.The Incredible Shrinking Wizard (1984)
159.Breakfast At Greedy's (1984)
160.The Secret Of Shadow Swamp (1984)
161.The Trojan Smurf (1984)
162.Smurf The Other Cheek (1984)
163.A Float Full Of Smurfs (1984)
164.Smurfette's Sweet Tooth (1984)
165.Smurf On Wood (1984)
166.The Smurfomatic Smurfolator (1984)
167.Petrified Smurfs (1984) [4x22]
168.Papa's Worry Warts (1984) [4x23]
169.Lazy's Slumber Party (1984) [4x24]
170.The Pussywillow Pixies (1984) [4x25]
171.The Bignose Dilemma (1984) [4x26]
172.The Smurfbox Derby (1984) [4x27]
173.A Circus For Baby (1984) [4x28]
174.Babies In Wartland (1984) [4x29]
175.The Smurfwalk Cafe (1984) [4x30]
176.The Smurfiest Of Friends (1984) [4x31]
177.Never Smurf Off 'Til Tomorrow (1984) [4x32]
178.Big Mouth Smurf (1984) [4x33]
179.Baby's Enchanted Didey (1984) [4x34]
180.The Man In The Moon (1984) [4x35]
181.Smurfette's Golden Tresses (1984) [4x36]
182.The Whole Smurf And Nothing But The Smurf (1984) [4x37]
183.Gargamel's Giant (1984) [4x38]
184.The Patchwork Bear (1984) [4x39]
185.Hefty And The Wheelsmurfer (1984) [4x40]
186.Hopping Cough Smurfs (1984) [4x41]
187.The Little Orange Horse With The Gold Shoes (1984) [4x42]
188.Monster Smurfs (1984) [4x43]
189.The Bad Place (1984) [4x44]
190.Smurfing For Ghost's (1984) [4x45]
191.The Gargoyle Of Quarrel Castle (1984) [4x46]
192.Smurfiplication (1984) [4x47]
193.Gargamel's Miss-Fortune (1984) [4x48]
194.Stuck On Smurfs (1985) [5x01]
195.Puppy (1985)
196.Papa's Day Off (1985)
197.The Smurflings (1985)
198.He Who Smurfs Last (1985) [5x05]
199.Baby's First Word (1985) [5x06]
200.The Masked Pie Smurfer (1985) [5x07]
201.Sassette (1985) [5x08]
202.Papa's Puppy Prescription (1985) [5x09]
203.Poet's Writer's Block (1985) [5x10]
204.Smurf A Mile In My Shoes (1985) [5x11]
205.Dreamy's Pen Pals (1985)
206.Papa's Flying Bed (1985) [5x13]
207.Mud Wrestling Smurfs (1985) [5x14]
208.The Sand Witch (1985) [5x15]
209.Kow-Tow, We Won't Bow (1985) [5x16]
210.Big Mouth's Friend (1985) [5x17]
211.Wild And Wooly (1985) [5x18]
212.The Dark-Ness Monster (1985) [5x19]
213.The Grouchiest Game In Town (1985) [5x20]
214.Queen Smurfette (1985)
215.Marco Smurf And The Pepper Pirates (1985) [5x22]
216.Educating Big Mouth (1985)
217.Brainy Smurf, Friend To All The Animals (1985)
218.The Comet Is Coming (1985) [5x25]
219.Happy Unhappiness Day To You (1985)
220.The Great Slime Crop Failure (1985) [5x27]
221.Papa's Family Album (1985) [5x28]
222.Love Those Smurfs (1985) [5x29]
223.Mutiny On The Smurf (1985) [5x30]
224.Things That Go Smurfing In The Night (1985) [5x31]
225.Alarming Smurfs (1985) [5x32]
226.Smurfette's Rose (1985) [5x33]
227.The Mr. Smurf Contest (1985) [5x34]
228.Have You Smurfed Your Pet Today? (1985) [5x35]
229.Unsound Smurfs (1985) [5x36]
230.All Work And No Smurf (1985) [5x37]
231.Gargamel's Time Trip (1985) [5x38]
232.They're Smurfing Our Song (1985) [5x39]
233.Brainy's Smarty Party (1985) [5x40]
234.Smurfquest, Part 1 (1986)
235.Smurfquest, Part 2 (1986)
236.Smurfquest, Part 3 (1986)
237.Smurfquest, Part 4 (1986)
238.Gargamel's New Job (1986)
239.Grouchy Makes A Splash (1986)
240.No Smurf Is An Island (1986)
241.Don Smurfo (1986)
242.The Prince And The Hopper (1986)
243.Smurfette's Gift (1986)
244.The Most Popular Smurf (1986)
245.A Loss Of Smurf (1986)
246.The Last Whippoorwill (1986)
247.The Color Smurfy (1986)
248.Lazy's Nightmare (1986)
249.All The Smurf's A Stage (1986)
250.Smurfs On Wheels (1986)
251.The Littlest Viking (1986)
252.Baby's New Toy (1986)
253.Bringing Up Bigfeet (1986)
254.The Scarlet Croaker (1986)
255.Calling Dr. Smurf (1986)
256.Can't Smurf The Music (1986)
257.The Royal Drum (1986)
258.It's A Puppy's Life (1986)
259.Sweepy Smurf (1986) [6x26]
260.Journey To The Center Of The Smurf (1986) [6x27]
261.The Tallest Smurf (1986)
262.Essence Of Brainy (1986)
263.Dr. Evil And Mr. Nice (1986)
264.The Root Of Evil (1986)
265.Tattle-Tail Smurfs (1986)
266.Greedy Goes On Strike (1986)
267.Futuresmurfed (1986)
268.Crying Smurfs (1986)
269.Gargamel's Dummy (1986)
270.Smurfs On The Run (1986)
271.A Myna Problem (1986)
272.The Horn Of Plenty (1986)
273.I Smurf To The Trees (1986)
274.Clumsy's Cloud (1986)
275.Bookworm Smurf (1986)
276.Farmer's Genie (1986)
277.Master Scruple (1986)
278.Scruple's Sweetheart (1986)
279.The World According To Smurflings (1986)
280.The Enchanted Quill (1986)
281.The Most Unsmurfy Game (1986)
282.Put Upon Puppy (1986)
283.Heart Of Gold (1986)
284.The Village Vandal (1986)
285.The Gallant Smurf (1986)
286.Sassette's Tooth (1986)
287.Snappy's Way (1986)
288.Fire-Fighting Smurfs (1986)
289.Handy's Window Vision (1986)
290.Papa Smurf, Papa Smurf (1986)
291.Jokey's Cloak (1986)
292.Papa's Last Spell (1986)
293.Lure Of The Orb (1986) [6x60]
294.Smurfette's Flower (1986)
295.Reckless Smurfs (1986)
296.Head Over Hogatha (1986)
297.Smurf On The Wild Side, Part 1 (1987)
298.Smurf On The Wild Side, Act 2 (1987)
299.Smurf On The Wild Side, Part 3 (1987)
300.Smurf On The Wild Side, Part 4 (1987)
301.The Smurflings' Unsmurfy Friend (1987) [7x05]
302.The Smurfstalker (1987) [7x06]
303.Poltersmurf (1987) [7x07]
304.Baby's Marvelous Toy (1987) [7x08]
305.Sleepless Smurfs (1987) [7x09]
306.Cut-Up Smurfs (1987) [7x10]
307.Gargamel's Sweetheart (1987) [7x11]
308.Wild About Smurfette (1987) [7x12]
309.Sing A Song Of Smurflings (1987) [7x13]
310.Smurfing For Gold (1987) [7x14]
311.Jokey's Joke Book (1987) [7x15]
312.Poet's Storybook (1987) [7x16]
313.The Fastest Wizard In The World (1987) [7x17]
314.Dancing Bear (1987) [7x18]
315.Gargamel's Last Will (1987) [7x19]
316.Sassette's Bewitching Friendship (1987) [7x20]
317.Azrael's Brain (1987) [7x21]
318.Castaway Smurfs (1987) [7x22]
319.Legendary Smurfs (1987) [7x23]
320.Smurfing The Unicorns (1987) [7x24]
321.Vanity's Closest Friend (1987) [7x25]
322.Peewit's Unscrupulous Adventure (1987) [7x26]
323.Nobody Smurf (1987) [7x27]
324.Scruple And The Great Book Of Spells (1987) [7x28]
325.Bouncing Smurf (1987) [7x29]
326.The Clockwork Smurfette (1987) [7x30]
327.I Was A Brainy Weresmurf (1987) [7x31]
328.The Answer Smurf (1987) [7x32]
329.Vanity's Wild Adventure (1987) [7x33]
330.Soothsayer Smurfette (1987) [7x34]
331.Crooner Smurf (1987) [7x35]
332.Papa For A Day (1987) [7x36]
333.Flighty's Plight (1987) [7x37]
334.To Coin A Smurf (1987) [7x38]
335.Smurfette Unmade (1987) [7x39]
336.Foul Feather Fiend (1987) [7x40]
337.Sassette's Hive (1987) [7x41]
338.Little Big Smurf (1987) [7x42]
339.Locomotive Smurfs (1987) [7x43]
340.A Long Tale For Grandpa (1987) [7x44]
341.Where The Wild Smurfs Are (1987) [7x45]
342.The Magic Sack Of Mr. Nicholas (1987) [7x46]
343.Swapping Smurfs (1987) [7x47]
344.Predictable Smurfs (1987) [7x48]
345.Hefty's Rival (1987) [7x49]
346.Snappy's Puppet (1987) [7x50]
347.Prince Smurf (1987) [7x51]
348.The Return Of Don Smurfo (1987) [7x52]
349.Skyscraper Smurfs (1987) [7x53]
350.Bad Luck Smurfs (1987) [7x54]
351.Smurfing Out Of Time (1987) [7x55]
352.A Hole In Smurf (1987) [7x56]
353.Smurf Pet (1987) [7x57]
354.Timber Smurf (1987) [7x58]
355.The Smurf Who Could Do No Wrong (1987) [7x59]
356.Smurfette's Lucky Star (1987) [7x60]
357.The Smurfy Verdict (1987) [7x61]
358.Chlorhydris' Lost Love (1987) [7x62]
359.Stop And Go Smurfs (1987) [7x63]
360.Poet The Know-It-All (1987) [7x64]
361.All The News That's Fit To Smurf (1987) [7x65]
362.Gargamel's Quest (1987) [7x66]
363.Gargamel's Second Childhood (1987) [7x67]
364.Tis The Season To Be Smurfey (1987) [7x68]
365.Lost Smurf (1988) [8x01]
366.Archives Of Evil (1988) [8x02]
367.Big Mouth's Roommate (1988) [8x03]
368.Bungling Babysitters (1988) [8x04]
369.Clockwork's Powerplay (1988) [8x05]
370.Clumsy In Command (1988) [8x06]
371.Don Smurfo's Uninvited Guests (1988) [8x07]
372.Denisa's Greedy Doll (1988) [8x08]
373.Denisa's Slumber Party (1988) [8x09]
374.Grandpa's Nemesis (1988) [8x10]
375.Grandpa's Walking Stick (1988) [8x11]
376.A House For Nanny (1988) [8x12]
377.It's A Smurfy Life (1988) [8x13]
378.Land Of Lost And Found (1988) [8x14]
379.Long Live Brainy (1988) [8x15]
380.A Maze Of Mirrors (1988) [8x16]
381.Memory Melons (1988) [8x17]
382.Nanny's Way (1988) [8x18]
383.Pappy's Puppy (1988) [8x19]
384.Shutterbug Smurfs (1988) [8x20]
385.Smoogle Sings The Blues (1988) [8x21]
386.A Smurf For Denisa (1988) [8x22]
387.Smurf The Presses (1988) [8x23]
388.Stealing Grandpa's Thunder (1988) [8x24]
389.The Smurfs That Time Forgot, Part 1 (1989) [9x01]
390.The Smurfs That Time Forgot, Part 2 (1989) [9x02]
391.Cave Smurfs (1989) [9x03]
392.Hogapatra's Beauty Sleep (1989) [9x04]
393.Mummy Dearest (1989) [9x05]
394.Shamrock Smurfs (1989) [9x06]
395.Karate Clumsy (1989) [9x07]
396.Like it Or Smurf It (1989) [9x08]
397.Papa's Big Snooze (1989) [9x09]
398.A Fish Called Snappy (1989) [9x10]
399.The Smurf Odyssey (1989) [9x11]
400.Trojan Smurfs (1989) [9x12]
401.Fortune Cookie (1989) [9x13]
402.Imperial Panda-Monium (1989) [9x14]
403.Smurfette's Green Thumb (1989) [9x15]
404.Hefty Sees A Serpent (1989) [9x16]
405.Phantom Bagpiper (1989) [9x17]
406.Jungle Jitterbugs (1989) [9x18]
407.The Clumsy Genie (1989) [9x19]
408.Scary Smurfs (1989) [9x20]
409.Sky High Surprise (1989) [9x21]
410.Gnoman Holiday (1989) [9x22]
411.Greedy's Masterpizza (1989) [9x23]
412.The Monumental Grouch (1989) [9x24]
413.Curried Smurfs (1989) [9x25]
414.G'day Smoogle (1989) [9x26]
415.Grandpa's Fountain Of Youth (1989) [9x27]
416.Big Shot Smurfs (1989) [9x28]
417.No Reflection On Vanity (1989) [9x29]
418.Papa Lose His Patience (1989) [9x30]
419.Swashbuckling Smurfs (1989) [9x31]
420.Painter's Egg-Cellent Adventure (1989) [9x32]
421.Small-Minded Smurfs (1989) [9x33]
422.Bananas Over Hefty (1989) [9x34]
423.Smurfs Of The Round Table (1989) [9x35]
424.Wild Goes Cuckoo (1989) [9x36]
425.Brainy's Beastly Boo-Boo (1989) [9x37]
426.The Golden Rhino (1989) [9x38]
427.Hearts 'N' Smurfs (1989) [9x39]
第01集 笨學徒、冒牌藍精靈
第02集 藍妹妹、浮浮遇難
第29集 藍妹妹歷險記
第30集 只能說行的藍精靈
第31集 自動收割機
第32集 大瘟疫
第33集 小老鼠
第34集 香菊
第35集 善有善報
第36集 最後的笑
第37集 格格巫復活
第38集 火山爆發了
第39集 爸爸的婚禮
第40集 笨笨“預告”未來
第41集 珍惜生命
第42集 小巨人
第43集 魔術盒
第44集 精靈航海記
第45集 格格巫的黃金夢