中文名: 勞爾·瑟瓦斯短片集英文名: Raoul Servais資源格式: DVDRip版本: 1966-2001 比利時動畫大師發行時間: 1966年導演: Raoul Servais地區: 比利時語言: 荷蘭語簡介:

勞爾*瑟瓦斯 (Raoul Servais), 1928年出生, 在歐洲享有盛名的比利時動畫大師。
其作品多為短片, 內涵豐富且富有創造力, 曾榮獲坎城、威尼斯、波爾圖、安錫等電影節大獎; 曾三次榮獲奧斯卡最佳動畫短片提名。

1、《錯誤標記》The False Note (1963年) 10分鐘
2、《Chromophobia》(1966年) 10分鐘
3、《Siren》(1968年) 9分鐘
4、《Goldframe》 (1969年) 5分鐘
5、《講或不講》To Speak or Not to Speak (1970年) 11分鐘
6、《X一代人》Operation X-70 (1971年)9分鐘
7、《30, Pegasus》(1973年) 8分鐘
8、《Harpya》(1979年) 9分鐘
9、《天然蝴蝶》Nocturnal Butterflies (1998年)8分鐘
10、Atraksion (2001年) 10分鐘
11、De Zandloper (1950年) 1分鐘
12、《領般燈》Harbour Lights (1960年) 1分鐘
13、Omleiding November (1965年) 1分鐘
14、The Song of Halewyn (1976年) 1分鐘
15、《Taxandria》 (1994年) 4分鐘
Raoul Servais: The Complete Collection of Short Films
(aka Raoul Servais - The complete collection of short films or Raoul Servais - L'Intégrale des court-métrages or Raoul Servais - Alle kortfilms -)
directed by Raoul Servais
Belgium 2004
Raoul Servais was born in Ostend in 1928. He studied Decorative Arts at the Ghent Royal Academy of Fine Arts, where, fifteen years later, he was to become the founder of the European continent's first department for animation. Though Servais practices drawing and occasionally monumental wall-painting, he is best known as maker of some twelve animated films, which won him several prizes at most major international film festivals.
Region 2 - PAL
Runtime +/-170m
1.33:1 Original Aspect Ratio
Average Bitrate: mb/s
PAL 720x576 25.00 f/s
Audio Dutch, English, French (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Subtitles Dutch, English, French, none
Features Release Information:
Studio: Boomerang Pictures (Belgium) / Doriane Films (France)
Aspect Ratio:
Fullscreen - 1.33:1
Edition Details:
u2022 menus and all content available in Dutch, English or French
u2022 Shorts:
u2022 The False Note (1963) 10', Chromophobia (1966) 10', Siren (1968) 9'30, Goldframe (1969) 5',
u2022 To Speak or Not to Speak (1970) 11', Operation X-70 (1971) 9'30, Pegasus (1973) 8'30,
u2022 Harpya (1979) 9', Nocturnal Butterflies (1998) 8', Atraksion (2001) 10'
u2022 Excerpts:
u2022 De Zandloper (1950) 1', Harbour Lights (1960) 1', Omleiding November (1965) 1',
u2022 The Song of Halewyn (1976) 1', Taxandria (1994) 4'30
u2022 Extras:
u2022 ABC-book, interview with Raoul Servais 30'
u2022 Documentary «Oude Meesters» (2002) 42', from Belgian television (VRT)
u2022 Photo gallery
u2022 Biography, Filmography, Servaisgraphy
u2022 Commentary track for Nocturnal Butterflies by Raoul Servais
DVD Release Date: March 30, 2004
Comments This is a fantastic DVD, a co-production between Folioscope (Belgium) and SFSL SARL (France), about Belgian animation wizard Raoul Servais. All his main shorts are included and have been nicely restored, the extras are interesting, the menus tastefully designed and everything is available in 3 languages. Too bad his youth works , as the DVD calls them, only have 1 minute excerpts. Now where is that Taxandria DVD!
- Pieter Boven
Chromophobia (1966) :
Lenght: 00:09:27
Video: XviD at 1472kb/s 25.000 fps 560 x 416
Audio: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 136 kb/s total (2 chnls) LAME3.96r
Siren 1968 :
Lenght: 00:08:56
Video: XviD at 1575 kb/s 25 fps 560 x 416
Audio: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 137 kb/s total (2 chnls) LAME3.96r
The False Note (1966) :
Lenght: 00:09:30
Video: XviD at 1472kb/s 25 fps 560 x 416
Audio: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 138 kb/s total (2 chnls) LAME3.96r
Goldframe (1969) :
Lenght: 00:04:08
Video: XviD at 1542kb/s 25 fps 560 x 416
Audio: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 139 kb/s total (2 chnls) LAME3.96r
To Speak or not to Speak (1970) :
Length: 00:10:19
Video: XviD at 1343kb/s 25fps 560 x 416
Audio: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 136 kb/s total (2 chnls) LAME3.96r
Pegasus (1973) :
Lenght: 00:08:21
Video: XviD at 1614kb/s 25fps 560 x 416
Audio: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 133 kb/s total (2 chnls) LAME3.96r
Operation X-70 (1971) :
Lenght: 00:09:35
Video: XviD at 1016 kb/s 25 fps 560 x 384
Audio: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 136 kb/s total (2 chnls) LAME3.96r
Atraksion (2001) :
Lenght: 00:09:30
Video: XviD at 1482kb/s 25fps 560 x 384
Audio: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 128 kb/s total (2 chnls) LAME3.96r
Harpya (1979) :
Lenght: 00:08:30
Video: XviD at 1282 kb/s 25fps 560 x 416
Audio: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 137 kb/s total (2 chnls) LAME3.96r
Papillons de Nuit (1998) :
Lenght: 00:07:24
Video: XviD at 1944kb/s 560 x 384
Audio: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 125 kb/s total (2 chnls) LAME3.96r
Oude Meesters (2002) :
Lenght: 00:40:10
Video: XviD at 1077kb/s 560 x 320
Audio: 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3 48000Hz 132 kb/s total (2 chnls) LAME3.96r