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《原始一家人》(GOGS)1994[定格動畫][DVDRip],劇場動畫、資源下載 簡介: 簡介: imdb 評分 8.1/10 【字幕信息】 無字幕,也無需要字幕 【 I M D B 】 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109915 【內容介紹】 故事大意``就是講的系生活在史前恐龍世界原始的一家人,有Ogo 也就是裡面那個傻子哥哥,打招呼的時候老說這句話.所以就叫他ogo。對了他愛掉綠色的鼻涕還有愛放屁的爺爺與飛行類動物似乎有不共戴天之恨認為

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imdb 評分 8.1/10
【字幕信息】 無字幕,也無需要字幕
【 I M D B 】 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109915
故事大意``就是講的系生活在史前恐龍世界原始的一家人,有Ogo 也就是裡面那個傻子哥哥,打招呼的時候老說這句話.所以就叫他ogo。對了他愛掉綠色的鼻涕還有愛放屁的爺爺與飛行類動物似乎有不共戴天之恨認為武力能解決一切,全家最寶貝的小aby我個人覺得是裡面最惡心最厲害的角色,絕對震撼!哭聲,笑聲,大便等等都是他強有力的武器。有點類似《超人總動員》裡面最後那個小baby 一般 不發怒則已,一怒驚人。還有胡子爸爸是個軟耳朵!試圖想出好主意讓家人獲得溫飽,但在發展計劃執行自己的理念時總受到挫折,使他總是在谷底徘徊回家看看你爸爸就知道影片裡面他是什麼樣子的了。還有凶神惡煞的媽媽一家之主無可爭議,全家都很怕怕的人。還有長著蓬松頭的姐姐,很有發明家的天賦的一個女生,老是發明飛行器和算物理公式不過有成功的一次救了全家人,也是裡面最含蓄的一個角色。當然包括後來出場的奶奶也是個師奶級的殺手!不可小瞧!故事就發生在這一家子。他們沒有語言,沒有文明,交流全靠我們覺的粗魯的行為方式,他們的世界充滿饑餓和恐龍的威脅.故事圍繞著生存這個話題發展,躲避凶猛的恐龍尋找自己棲身之處以及這麼填飽自己的肚子。
1998 British Animation Award - Best children's Series
1995 BAFTA - Best Animation1995年倫敦-最佳動畫
1995 Banff Animation Award1995年班夫動畫獎
《 GOGS 》 Say hello to young Ogo, Oglas, Ogla, long-haired Igi, grandpa Gogas and baby Girj,
otherwise known as The Gogs, and otherwise unnamed within these two series
of prehistoric encounters because The Gogs do not actually use language to
communicate with one another. Instead they gesticulate, thump, grunt, and
- um - expel in equal proportion. Yep, the Gog family are our all-farting, all-belching,
snot-dribbling, bottom-exposing caveman ancestors. More missing stink, than
missing link. They inhabit a lost world of hungry dinosaurs, extremes of climate, and
environmental chaos. The word 'subtlety' hasn't been invented here. They're crude,
but never just rude, and frequently very funny to watch.
This prehistory claymation was the brainchild of Mike Mort and Deiniol Morris of
Aaargh! Animation. A pilot was developed in 1993 and the subsequent first series
brought initially to welsh screens by Meirion Davies of S4C. From there it was
sprung on to a national platform with the help of Colin Rose at the BBC.
The five episodes of that first series - Gogs I - were first screened nationally on
BBC2 as a run of daily episodes during the Christmas Holiday schedules in 1995.
Gogs went on to acquire a 1995 Children's BAFTA Award for Best Animation, and a
prestigious Banff Animation award, and it also spawned a sequel, imaginatively
titled Gogs II...
But that wasn't the end of things, of course. A half-hour feature beckoned. Gogwana
has bigger sets, bigger effects and bigger bogeys and takes the club-thumping clan
out of their cave and off on an extraordinary dino-filled, pygmy-stuffed adventure to
a new home. What's more BAFTA stardom beckoned again when the film was
nominated for Best Animation in the prestigious film section...
you think?
以上文字轉自 http://hi.baidu.com/yiaiv/blog/item/4d7966...435.html
在線版(看下然後在決定是否下載珍藏吧) http://www.dvd511.com/mov_play/9398deedae6e334f.html?2578352
首發地 http://stopmotion.5d6d.com/thread-772-1-1.html
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