《彩虹魔法師:回到雨期島》(Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island)[DVDRip] 簡介: 中文名 : 彩虹魔法師:回到雨期島 英文名 : Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island 資源格式 : DVDRip 發行時間 : 2010年 導演 : Hiroshi Kawamata
【首播時間】 2010年
【字幕制作】 暫無
Rainbow Magic動畫節目根據Daisy Meadows的暢銷書改編。好朋友Kirsty和Rachel在Rainspell島重聚,開始了一段驚心動魄的旅程。這一次,她們的友誼以及以及對小精靈的信任受到了最嚴酷的考驗。然而,Kirsty和Rachel的危機對於Jack Frost來說卻是一個好消息,他正醞釀一個邪惡的計劃,率領他的雪人大軍統治世界。Kirsty和Rachel能否戰勝疑慮,幫助她們的精靈朋友挫敗Jack Frost的計劃呢?(文:life_is_good@YDY)
Based on the best-selling books by Daisy Meadows, this exciting, all-new Rainbow Magic animation is sure to cast a sparkly spell on all fans of the fairies! Best friends Kirsty and Rachel are reunited on Rainspell Island for another thrilling adventure. This time, their friendship and their belief in fairies are tested to the limits. But the girls’ crisis couldn’t have come at a better time for Jack Frost, who is hatching a plan for world domination with a snowman army! Can Kirsty & Rachel overcome their doubts in time to help their fairy friends foil Jack Frost’s chilling plan?
◎導 演 Hiroshi Kawamata
◎主 演 Lucy Delaiche ... Kirsty
Emily Dormer ... Sky & Ruby
David Holt ... Jack Frost
Ellen Howard ... Angela
Grace Vance ... Rachael
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