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幾本動畫書,多是英文,我是個英語白癡,就不亂介紹了,免得誤倒眾人.多是Focal Press出版社的書相信應該不會太差勁
Producing independent 2D character animation :making and selling a short film /Mark Simon ; with a foreword by Linda Simensky.
作者:Simon Mark 1964-.
出版社:Amsterdam :Boston :Focal Press,c2003

-----------------創意動畫短片Ideas For Animated Shorts-----------------

--------------《動畫的運動力學(Animation The Mechanics of Motion) 》---------------------
Learn the key skills you need with this practical and inspirational guide to all the fundamental principles of animation. With extended pieces on timing, acting and technical aspects, Chris Webster has created the vital learning tool to help you get the most out of your animation and develop the practical skills needed by both professionals and serious students alike.

-------------------《動畫配音配樂(Designing Sound for Animation) 》--------------------------
Designing Sound for Animation(動畫配音配樂)
作者: Robin Beauchamp
ISBN: 9780240807331 , 0240807332
出版社: Focal Press
出版日期: 2005年
定價: ¥287.00 元
This nuts-and-bolts guide to sound design for animated films explains audio software, free downloads, how sound works, the power of sound when wielded by an animation filmmaker, and provides varieties of examples for how to use sound to enliven your films with professional sound.
Sound-savvy animators save precious resources (time and money) by using sound for effects they don't necessarily have time to create. For example, the sound of a crow flying gives viewers a sense of the crow without the crow. Where there's a macabre element or scene in an animated film, this book explains why you should choose a low frequency sound for it-low frequencies are scary, because the ear can't decipher their origin or direction!
On the DVD: three 5-minute animations; sample sound clips, jump cuts and video streams; plus motion graphics with which to practice sound-applications explained in this book.
** The animation sound design techniques discussed in the book are based on those used by today's newest and brightest animation filmmakers
* The book's case examples give readers extra tips and tricks to apply to their own sound design
* The book's DVD is highly instructional, includes sound clips to be practiced with

Become Tony White's personal animation student. Experience many of the teaching techniques of the golden era of Disney and Warner Brothers studios and beyond.all from the comfort of your own home or studio. Tony White's Animation Master Class is uniquely designed to cover the core principles of animated movement comprehensively. How to Make Animated Films offers secrets and unique approaches only a Master Animator could share. Includes hands-on Tutorials, demonstrations and final sample animations. . Whether you want to become a qualified animator of 2D, 3D, Flash or any other form of animation, Tony White's foundations bring you closer to that goal. The DVD is invaluable, in that readers are not only taught principles and concepts in the book, they are able to see them demonstrated in action in the movies on the DVD.
*Look over the shoulder of award-winning Master Animator, Tony White, as he works at his animation lightbox. Watch, listen, experience as the author demonstrates everything you need to know.
*Tony White is a legendary animator with a strong following. His best-selling title: The Animator's Workbook has 80,000 copies to date.
*For aspiring animators on their own - without backing or funding. Get the same results the Disney animators do with bare minimum technique and equipment.
*DVD offers a perfect audio/visual companion to the book with movies of the author at his drawing desk, creating art in front of our eyes - demonstrating difficult techniques like flipping, inbetweening and superimposition.

--------------------------------guide to computer animation電腦動畫指南-------------------------------
'This well-written, easy-to-follow guide balances the heart of animation development with the key technical conventions. Visually stunning, it cleverly demonstrates tools and techniques across several digital platforms through the unique perspectives of successful animators. First I recommend challenging yourself with the self-test in Chapter 8, and then read the book from cover to cover. YouÂll have a blast' Anne M. White, Principal Managing Director, TAG Chairperson, BDA/Board of Directors, PROMAX, Los Angeles, CA, USA

---------------------------------Writing for Animation Comics and Games(動漫和游戲寫作)------------------------------------
【作 者】 Marx, Christy
【書 號】 0240805828
【上架時間】 2008-3-31
【出版日期】 2005年8月
【頁 碼】 226
【市 場 價】 ¥389.71 (人民幣)

-----------------------從鉛筆到像素的動畫 Animation From Pencils to Pixels - Classical Techniques---------------------------
Animation from Pencils to Pixels: Classical Techniques
作者:Tony White
Award-winning animator Tony White brings you the ultimate book for digital animation. Here you will find the classic knowledge of many legendary techniques revealed, paired with information relevant to today's capable, state-of-the-art technologies.
White leaves nothing out. What contemporary digital animators most need to know can be found between this book's covers - from conceptions to creation and through the many stages of the production pipeline to distribution. This book is intended to serve as your one-stop how-to animation guide. Whether you're new to animation or a very experienced digital animator, here you'll find fundamentals, key classical techniques, and professional advice that will strengthen your work and well-roundedness as an animator.
Speaking from experience, White presents time-honored secrets of professional animaton with a warm, masterly, and knowledgeable approach that has evolved from over 30 years as an award-winning animator/director.
The book's enclosed CD-Rom presents classic moments from animation's history through White's personal homage to traditional drawn animation, Endangered Species. Using movie clips and still images from the film, White shares the 'making of' journal of the film, detailing each step, with scene-by-scene descriptions, technique by technique. Look for the repetitive stress disorder guide on the CD-Rom, called, Mega-hurts. Watch the many movie clips for insights into the versatility that a traditional, pencil-drawn approach to animaton can offer.
* Valuable CD-ROM contains a complete animated film made by the author and teaches how to apply the techniques in this book!
* Chock full of tips and secrets from this award-winning animation veteran
* The glossary of animation-related terms is worth its weight in gold

-------------------------------Animation Writing and Development 動畫寫作和發展--------------------------------
作者: Jean Ann Wright
副標題: From Script Development to Pitch (Focal Press Visual Effects and Animation)
ISBN: 9780240805498
頁數: 344
定價: USD 27.95
出版社: Focal Press
裝幀: Paperback
出版年: 2005-01-24
簡介 · · · · · ·
The art. The craft. The business. Animation Writing and Development takes students and animation professionals alike through the process of creating original characters, developing a television series, feature, or multimedia project, and writing professional premises, outlines and scripts. It covers the process of developing presentation bibles and pitching original project... (展開全部) The art. The craft. The business. Animation Writing and Development takes students and animation professionals alike through the process of creating original characters, developing a television series, feature, or multimedia project, and writing professional premises, outlines and scripts. It covers the process of developing presentation bibles and pitching original projects as well as ideas for episodes of shows already on the air. Animation Writing and Development includes chapters on animation history, on child development (writing for kids), and on storyboarding. It gives advice on marketing and finding work in the industry. It provides exercises for students as well as checklists for professionals polishing their craft. This is a guide to becoming a good writer as well as a successful one.
* Filled with writing exercises that will challenge your writing limits
* Understand inspiration, idea gathering, and story development
* Tips on how to write for kids and why certain stories appeal to different ages
* The how and why of dialogue-what works, and what doesn't

----------------------------------------Force Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators( 動畫速寫)-------------------------------------
作者: Mike Mattesi
副標題: Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators, Second Edition
ISBN: 9780240808451
頁數: 228
定價: USD 29.95
出版社: Focal Press
裝幀: Paperback
出版年: 2006-09-22
Capture the force in your life drawing subjects with this practical guide to dynamic drawing techniques - packed with superb, powerfully drawn examples that show you how to:
* Bring your work to life with rhythmic drawing techniques * Create appealing and dynamic poses in your drawings * Experience the figure's energy in three dimensional space * Use the asymmetry of straight and curved lines to clarify the direction of force in the body * Build on your foundational anatomy and figure drawing skills to animate your drawings *Apply the theory of force to your on-location and animal drawing observations
Whether you are an animator, comic book artist, illustrator or fine arts' student you'll learn to use rhythm, shape, and line to bring out the life in any subject while Mike Mattesis infectious enthusiasm will have you reaching for your pencils!
Mike Mattesi is the owner and founder of Entertainment Art Academy (www.enterartacad.com) based in Southern California. He has been a professional production artist and instructor for the last fifteen years with clients including Disney, Marvel Comics, Hasbro Toys, ABC, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, DreamWorks and Nickelodeon.
Audience level: Intermediate to advanced
* Discover and master the techniques of rhythmic drawing and bring your work to life * Learn from a professional production artist who has successfully taught his unique techniques for the last fifteen years * Written in an accessible, enthusiastic style which will have you reaching for your pencils!

這本是藍皮的在版,相機拍的並不太清楚,其實大家看那本藍皮就行了,內容並沒有多少改變。 謝謝光榮下崗老師提供

------------------------Timing for Animation(動畫時間的掌握).chm ----------------------------------------------
(此書已有中文版,並且再版N+Y次了,一般動畫師的案頭上應該多會有一本的,如果沒有去支持一下吧,免得看英文累,二十塊左右,如果實在不意義話那個 冤枉錢 驢上也有地方下自己在搜下)
作者: Harold Whitaker / John Halas
ISBN: 9780240517148
定價: USD 31.95
出版社: Focal Press
裝幀: Paperback
出版年: 2002-02

新手止步!在校學生止步!視CG為上帝者止步!軟件不過是個工具,必須基本工扎實!最好是從事過二維手繪工作(沒別的意思,別瞎想。),或從事動畫編劇工作,也需要音樂高手!軟件不熟悉可以邊創作邊學習,有想法!有創藝!如果你對網絡共同創作動畫短片感興趣,請來加入我們!創作團隊只有兩個交流方式——“動漫圈”網站和QQ群,有意者請加QQ 373333644

========== Cartooning.for.the.beginner =============
作 者: Christopher Hart
ISBN: 0823005860 , 9780823005864
出版社: Watson-Guptill
日 期: 2000-06-15

中國定格動畫論壇 http://stopmotion.5d6d.com
動畫藝術實驗室 http://www.mtime.com/group/13233
數字圖形圖像動畫論壇 http://www.dingge.com/forum
《動畫書籍》 http://www.VeryCD.com/topics/2770539
《繪畫方面的資料》 http://www.VeryCD.com/topics/2762729
《動畫方面的資料》 http://www.VeryCD.com/topics/2759089
《動畫故事板的藝術》 http://www.VeryCD.com/topics/2769785
《定格動畫方面的資料》 http://www.VeryCD.com/topics/2752583