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《铠傳——武士軍團》(YoroiDen 簡介: 中文名: 铠傳——武士軍團英文名: YoroiDen-Samurai Troopers別名: 魔神伝斗士版本: [全OST+全廣播劇][MP3][112kbps][44kHz][更新完全]地區: 日本對白語言: 日語簡介: 專輯介紹:   共有十四張專輯。其中《君を眠らせない》、《BEST FRIENDS》和《風》是歌曲集,主要是聲優為角色演唱的歌曲,也能找到動畫的主題曲。铠傳的聲優中草尾

中文名: 铠傳——武士軍團英文名: YoroiDen-Samurai Troopers別名: 魔神伝斗士版本: [全OST+全廣播劇][MP3][112kbps][44kHz][更新完全]地區: 日本對白語言: 日語簡介:
  共有十四張專輯。其中《君を眠らせない》、《BEST FRIENDS》和《風》是歌曲集,主要是聲優為角色演唱的歌曲,也能找到動畫的主題曲。铠傳的聲優中草尾毅、佐佐木望是唱歌超級棒的,兩人日後在聲優界發展極為顯赫也是自然之中的事;中村大樹雖然配音時聲音顯得很粗,唱歌時卻也變得很迷人;西村智博先生是專業人士,更不用說了;只有那個竹村拓比較……總體說來,铠傳的聲優非常優秀,要知道,動漫界持續至今且越來越熱的聲優熱潮,就是從铠傳開始的呢(下面的貼子有提到)。當初铠傳五位主角的聲優組成名為N.G.FIVE的組合,就是聲優偶象化的開端,他們當時受歡迎的程度,是遠遠超出現在的我們所能想到的。現在依然活躍在聲優界的草尾毅、佐佐木望等人,雖然年齡不大,卻是當紅聲優們的前輩了。
  為大家所熟悉的應該是本動畫的版主題曲吧,森口博子小姐的《SAMURAI HEART》、《BE FREE》,以及浦西真理子小姐的《STARDUST EYES》、《FARAWAY》。都是極好聽的歌曲。
值得一說的是森口小姐也是非常有名的資深歌手。在铠傳的專輯中好像有她四首歌,我的一幫朋友們都很贊那首《Wild Cat》。此外高達系列中最經典的兩首歌《將愛傾注於水色之星和》和《永恆的風》,都是由她演唱的。
  小夢在此不顧眾位看官的耐心,特別推薦一些聲優歌曲中風格各異的歌曲,清朗純美朝氣蓬勃如草尾毅的《Rainy Lazy Morning》,單純可愛如佐佐木望的《も一度Baby Blue》,細柔動人如中村大樹的《風色の瞳》,輕曼空靈出塵脫俗如娜斯蒂的《天使のlove song》,悲伧震撼如西村智博的《Lonely Blood》,其樂融融如小合唱《Rainbow Paradise》,惡搞如四魔王的《仮面の下の涙》,淒美如卡尤拉的《さよならの代名詞》,唯美憂傷如佐佐木望的《新宿サンセット》,熱熱鬧鬧如合唱《Midnight Party》,還有極具大聯歡氣氛的全員(阿拉哥除外)大合唱《Best Friends》(很適合節日時聽)……很多很多。可以說铠傳的歌曲基本上都很好聽。
【共享條件】電信ADSL 2M撥號。請下後幫忙作源。謝謝。
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OST01:kimi o nemurasenai(won t let you sleep)
┣samurai heart
┣shinjuku sunset
┣honoo no soldier (soldier of fire)
┣tenshi no love song (angel s love song)
┣lonely blood
┣midnight party
┣cool moon
┣wild cat
┣chizu no nai tabi e (journey without a map)
┗stardust eyes
OST02:best friends
┣rainy lazy morning
┣ichibyou no shimpashi (a moment of sympathy)
┣sky dreamer
┣crystal eyes
┣kamen no shita no namida (tears beneath the mask)
┣rainbow paradise
┣kazeiro no hitomi (wind-colored eyes)
┣nagasarenaide (don t flow by)
┣sayounara no daimeishi (another word for goodbye)
┗best friends
OST03:gun rou hen(wolf pack collection)
┣stardust eyes
┣ichiman sekai (ten thousand worlds)
┣rakuyou toshi (setting sun cities)
┣[jin] rekka no theme ([benevolence] rekka s theme)
┣yoroi no senshi [faraway] (armored warriors)
┣youja yon dai masho (four grand demon generals)
┣[shin] suiko no theme ([faith] suiko s theme)
┣go bou sei (five-pointed star)
┣rekka ken - sou en zan [stardust eyes] (rekka blade - double flame cut)
┣mei sou yuki (run astray)
┣arago no theme (arago s theme)
┣[rei] kourin no theme ([courtesy] kourin s theme)
┣juugata sekai (ten worlds)
┣[gi] kongo no theme ([justice] kongo s theme)
┣[chi] tenkuu no theme ([wisdom] tenkuu s theme)
┣nasuti yagyu no theme (nasuti yagyu s theme)
OST04:i jin hen(strange god collection)
┣ki ~ aratana youkan (awakening ~ new premonition)
┣samurai heart
┣ketsu ~ go yuushi kaigen (settlement ~ five heroes)
┣bu ~ josenshi kayura (dance ~ female warrior kayura)
┣seki ~ kokou no senshitachi (quiet ~ noble warriors)
┣kyou ~ youja cho ren shu (lunacy ~ the youja world s many spirits)
┣yuu ~ shuten doji (bravery ~ shuten doji)
┣shuu ~ yami masho, anubis (attack ~ darkness demon general, anubis)
┣jou ~ kokonotsu yoroi gia (consent ~ nine armor gear)
┣faraway (tv size)
┣yami ~ gen masho, rajura (darkness - illusion demon general, rajura)
┣stardust eyes (tv size)
┣hi ~ tatakai no naka de (sadness ~ in the midst of battle)
┣ki ~ doku masho, naaza (danger ~ poison demon general, naaza)
┣tou ~ youja shiro totsunyuu (fighting ~ youja castle invasion)
┣ten ~ busou rekka kai (move ~ armor rekka reform)
┣nen ~ yoroi no chikara (burn ~ armor s power)
┣mou ~ tsugeshi shatachi (hope ~ successors)
┣be free
┗ketsu ~ shuumetsu no youkan (bonded ~ concluding premonition)
OST05:sei ran hen(blue storm collection)
┣samurai heart (tv size)
┣taidou (quickening)
┣youja shinkou (youja invasion)
┣youja teiou arago (sovereign youja arago)
┣go yuu shi shutsujin (five brave warriors go to battle)
┣busou - yoroi gia (call to arms - armor gear)
┣senran (wars)
┣kesshuu - yoroi no kokoro (gathering - heart of the armor)
┣kikoutei no chikara (kikoutei s power)
┣aratanaru tatakai (a new battle)
┣taba no aide no heiwa (a collected moment of peace)
┣yasashiki toki (gentle times)
┣michibiku mono (guide)
┣kaosu - shouten (kaosu - ascension)
┣kesshi iki youjakai (do-or-die going to the youjakai)
┣tatakai no shuuen (the battle s demise)
┗be free (tv size)
OST06:kikoutei densetsu(kikoutei legend)
┣dead end love
┣kasshoku no onsha (brown leopard)
┣mukara no theme (mukara s theme)
┣rasen no hana (spiritual flower)
┣naria no theme (naria s theme)
┣shika no sora (burning sky)
┣kuroi kikoutei (black kikoutei)
┣seirei no tochi (spiritual land)
┣genshiu yuki (vision)
┣fuyu to tame no yume (dream for winter)
┣mukara no theme (mukara s theme) [Version II]
┣kyuushitsu (holiday)
┣tayoushin (sun god)
┗africa no hikari (african light)
┣tsukamaeteite (holding)
┣itsuka no machi (town of someday)
┣suzunagi no theme (suzunagi s theme)
┣yoroi sekai (armor world)
┣taisa no chi (world of colors)
┣saidan (altar)
┣aka iro hen i (shifting red)
┣mujou no tsuki (evanescent moon)
┣yami yo ochirunakare (falling into darkness)
┣hakuya (white night)
┣shoushitsu ten (vanishing point)
┣junrei (pilgirmage)
┣shuushou (epilogue)
┣hoshi no lullaby (lullaby of the stars)
┣ashita o koeru tabi (journey crossing into tomorrow)
┣toki no horou (corridor of time)
┣hikaru no ou (ruler of light)
┣africa no gen ei (african mirage)
┗midnight party (instrumental)
OST08:suiko den(suiko legend)
┣mo ichido baby blue (once again baby blue)
┣stage i - shuhou e (consultation)
┣stage ii - kouri no masho (masho of ice)
┣kaze no junction (junction of the wind)
┣namida no rhapsody (rhapsody of tears)
┣stage iii - shin no shin (shin s faith)
┣stage iv - goushintou (god s passage)
┣stage v - epilogue
┣ikoku no serenade (foreign serenade)
┗shinjuku sunset - instrumental
OST09:kourin den(kourin legend)
┣stage 1 - fuyu nin hana (winter s hidden flower)
┣stage 2 - komai (laths)
┣stage 3 - houko (wandering)
┣kaze no ato (footsteps of the wind)
┣yume ni dakarete (embracing a dream)
┣stage iv - hikari daku tomo yo (the light embracing friend)
┣stage v - fuga
┣fill in the dream
┗love song - instrumental
OST10:tenkuu den(tenkuu legend)
┣stage i - prologue
┣dream of loneliness
┣stage ii - tondemonai yatsura (extraordinary guys)
┣stage iii - ryousei shikkaku (boarding student disqualification)
┣stage iv - hashiba ie no hitobito (hashiba family members)
┣wonder -toki ni nageru gimonfu- (wonder -a question flowing in time-)
┣stage v - zujou no kyoui (overhead threat)
┣stage vi - youja garyuda
┣stage vii - hishou (flying)
┣stage viii - kaze no monologue (wind s monologue)
┗ano hi no photograph (that day s photograph)
┣stage 1 - (prologue) gogasha
┣suashi no mama de (barefooted)
┣stage 2 - meiro (maze)
┣stage 3 - gekkou ya (moonlight night)
┣afureru omoi (overflowing thoughts)
┣stage 4 - tsuki kousen no tama (moon gem of hades)
┣stage 5 - daichi no sakebi (earth s cry)
┣stage 6 - (epilogue) hakou (wavelight)
┣mukae ni ikumade (until we meet)
┣mo ichido baby blue (once again baby blue)
┣kaze no junction (junction of the wind)
┣dead end love
┣namida no rhapsody (rhapsody of tears)
┣fill in the dream
┣wonder -toki ni nageru gimonfu- (wonder -a question flowing in time-)
┣ano hi no photograph (that day s photograph)
┣ikoku no serenade (foreign serenade)
┣dream of loneliness
┣yume ni dakarete (embracing a dream)
┣kaze no ato (footsteps of the wind)
┗seishun dattene (it was my youth)
┣joshou (prologue)
┣daiichi gakushou - natsu no shijin (summer poet)
┣daini gakushou - hoshi no makura (pillow of stars)
┣daisan gakushou - jougen no tsuki (crescent moon)
┣daiyon gakushou - aoki yume (blue dream)
┣daigo gakushou - shounen (boy)
┣dairoku gakushou - yosou (night musings)
┣dainana gakushou - fuyu no kagerou (heat wave in winter)
┣daihachi gakushou - sanka (praise)
┣daiku gakushou - chinmoku (silence)
┗shushou - sugisarishi hibi (daily passing)
OST14:best friends (karaoke)
┣rainy lazy morning
┣ichibyou no shimpashi (a moment of sympathy)
┣sky dreamer
┣crystal eyes
┣kamen no shita no namida (tears beneath the mask)
┣rainbow paradise
┣kazeiro no hitomi (wind-colored eyes)
┣nagasarenaide (don t flow by)
┣sayounara no daimeishi (another word for goodbye)
┗best friends
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