

 動漫電驢下載基地 >> 動漫周邊 >> 《借東西的小人阿莉埃蒂印象集》(The Borrower Arrietty)[Image Album][Cecile Corbel][MP3]

《借東西的小人阿莉埃蒂印象集》(The Borrower Arrietty)[Image Album][Cecile Corbel][MP3]






《借東西的小人阿莉埃蒂印象集》(The Borrower Arrietty)[Image Album][Cecile Corbel][MP3] 簡介: 中文名 : 借東西的小人阿莉埃蒂印象集 英文名 : The Borrower Arrietty 資源格式 : MP3 版本 : [Image Album][Cecile Corbel] 發行時間 : 2010年04月07日 地區

"《借東西的小人阿莉埃蒂印象集》(The Borrower Arrietty)[Image Album][Cecile Corbel][MP3]"Anime介紹:
中文名: 借東西的小人阿莉埃蒂印象集 英文名: The Borrower Arrietty 資源格式: MP3 版本: [Image Album][Cecile Corbel] 發行時間: 2010年04月07日 地區:  日本 對白語言:  英語, 日語 簡介

IPB Image


《借東西的小人阿莉埃蒂Karigurashi no arietti》改編自英國作家瑪麗·諾頓筆下的同名小說,主人公是個身高只有10公分的小女孩阿莉埃蒂。患病的英國男孩被送往鄉間老宅中休養,在那裡他發現了一個秘密:借東西的小人族。他們只有鉛筆一般的身高,住在老宅的地板之下,靠從樓上的巨人們那裡“借”東西為生。偶然機會,男孩與“借東西”的小女孩阿莉埃蒂相遇。好心的男孩開始幫助生活在地板下的鄰居,甚至充當信使為他們和住在別處的親戚送信。但好景不長,老宅管家也發現了小人一家,她關住小男孩,用盡一切辦法對付小人族……影片在細節方面可謂用心,處處體現著故事中“借東西”的主題。主人公阿莉埃蒂綁頭發的卡子其實是日常生活中的塑料夾,而小人族房間裡更是充滿了熟悉的元素:訂書釘做成的梯子、圓頭釘子制成的鉤子、鴨嘴夾……(來自時光網)



吉卜力2010年動畫大作《借東西的小人阿莉埃蒂》終於在日本電視台(NTV)上播出了新款預告片。雖然此次工作室領軍人物宮崎駿將導棒交給了年輕後輩米林宏昌,自己則退居二線擔當編劇,但影片依舊透著濃濃的吉卜力特色。清新唯美的畫面,配以凱爾特民謠歌手、豎琴演奏家塞西爾·科貝爾(Cécile Corbel)創作的電影原聲,恬靜清澈的歌聲以及豎琴的伴奏,恰如其分地烘托著本片的童話意境。

引用 Une Bretonne à Tokyo - A Breton lady in Tokyo

After "Ponyo on the cliff by the sea" The Ghibli Studios just announced that they are working on a new movie, entitled "Karigurashi no Arrietty", directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi.

Ghibli's movies have always been a great source of inspiration for me, many of them are part of my favorite movies ever : "Spirited away", "My neighbour Totoro" "Princess Mononoke", "Kiki's delivery service" and many more... There is a long list and I can definitely not choose which one is my favorite! I'm very happy to share the news with you and to announce that I'm composing the soundtrack for this new movie.

This is a great honor and a very nice present for me to be part of this beautiful project, and I'm working on the music and songs composition since May 2009 with my partner and friend Simon Caby. The movie will be released next summer 2010 in Japan.
The very first teaser has been broadcasted during the Christmas holidays in Japan including the main music theme "Arrietty's song" (digital release in Japan on December 19 2009- Album & single release April 7 2010 - )
Official website available here :

For now, a lot of travelling between Paris and Tokyo, and a couple of jananese lessons wink.gif

發行公司:Yamaha Music Communications

Media type: CD
Catalog #: YCCW-10109 JAN: 4542519005351
# of Discs: 1
# of Tracks: 14
Runtime: 37' 31"


Composer: Cecile Corbel
Performer: Cecile Corbel


01.もうひとつの世界 Mou Hitotsu no Sekai [A Different World]
02.Arrietty’s Song (English version)
03.翔の歌 Shou no Uta [Sho's Song]
04.翔の悲しみ Shou no Kanashimi [Sho's Lament]
05.荒れた庭 Areta Niwa [The Neglected Garden]
06.禁じられた戀 Kinjiareta Koi [Forbidden Love]
07.はじめての“借り” Hajimete no "Kari" [My First Borrowing]
08.床下の我が家 Yuka no Waga Ie [Our House Below]
09.ハルの追跡 Haru no Tsuiseki [Haru's Chase]
10.雨 Ame [Rain]
11.スピラー Supiraa [Spiller]
12.ドールハウス Dooru Hausu [The Doll House]
13.朝日の中の旅立ち Asahi no Naka no Tabidachi [Departure at Dawn]
14.Arrietty’s Song (Japanese Version)


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